Chapter 48 - Special

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"Well... That's over." Chimney sighs as he and Addie walk through the front door of his apartment.

"What a wild night." Addie sits down on one of the bar stools at his counter.

"I know... So much happened that it feels like it was days." Chimney grabs two waters out of the fridge and hands one to Addie.

"Honestly." Addie chuckles and looks down at her hand, smiling.

"So... I never got to ask... What do you think about the ring?" Chimney smiles at her.

"It's perfect." Addie smiles, "I never could have imagined it, but it's perfect."

"Is that so?" Chimney asks, taking a long drink of his water.

"Well, it came from the most perfect person I know." Addie smiles as she grabs his face and kisses him.

"Eh... I wouldn't say perfect." Chimney laughs and starts to look around.

"I would, though." Addie smirks, "What are you looking for, Chim?"

"I must have forgotten my laptop at your place when we were packing the other day... Can we go grab it so I can call Mr. and Mrs. Lee?" Chimney asks.

"Uh... Yeah sure." Addie says, picking up her purse. She walks over to the door and slides on a pair of flip flops.

"Ready?" Chimney asks as he grabs his keys off of the counter.

"I'm ready." Addie says, opening the front door. Her and Chimney walk out to the car and make the short drive over to Addie's apartment.

"Are you coming?" Chimney asks as he gets out of the car.

"Do I have to?" Addie laughs.

"It might help if I have an extra set of eyes to look around... Who knows if it got stuffed in a box somewhere." Chimney says nervously.

"Alright, fine." Addie gets out of the car, and the two of them walk up the stairs to Addie's apartment. She fiddles with her keys and finally is able to turn the lock.

"SURPRISE!" the team yells as Addie pushes the door open.

"Oh my goodness!" Addie covers her face.

"This was supposed to happen last night... But we got a little sidetracked, so I asked everyone if we could move it to today." Chimney smiles.

"How did they get in here?" Addie asks.

"I gave Hen my key." Chimney shrugs, "I know how weird you are about that, but I did it just to make you feel special."

"I love you, Howie!" Addie wraps her arms around his neck.

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