Chapter 64 - Imagine

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"There they are! The two heroes that saved my girls." Owen says as Chimney and Addie get out of the car at station 126.

"We told you not to call us heroes last time we saw you." Chimney laughs.

"But you are! If it weren't for the two of you, then who knows how long it would have been before someone found the accident." Owen says as he pats Chimney on the back. Addie grabs Kevin's car seat out of the backseat.

"We know." Addie chuckles, "Jenny and Jamie made sure to let us know that when they picked us up."

"Awe! A baby!" Mateo comes running up.

"Yeah! This is Kevin. He's our foster baby." Addie smiles.

"He's so cute." Mateo says.

"How old is he? He looks so young." Marjan walks up.

"He is two weeks old." Addie says.

"How did you get to be his foster parents? Were you on a list or something?" Paul asks.

"Actually... No... I delivered him." Chimney smiles.

"Wait, really?" Owen looks over.

"There was a big pileup on the highway. I found his mother in active labor. Father was killed in the accident. I helped the mother deliver him and then she sadly passed away in Athena's arms." Chimney explains.

"And since his parents didn't make it, I checked to see if he had any other family that could take him, but there wasn't anyone. And just, look at that face. He's so perfect. We couldn't not take him." Addie smiles down at Kevin.

"Speaking of babies... Did Jenny happen to tell you that TK and Jamie are getting a little brother?" Owen asks.

"No! That's very cool. When do you adopt?" Chimney looks at Owen.

"Ah... Well... We aren't... Their mom and I have reconciled... Well... A lot. She's pregnant." Owen says as TK walks up behind him.

"You must be TK." Addie smiles.

"That I am." TK smirks.

"Nice to finally meet you." Chimney says.

"You as well. I've heard lots of great things about the two of you from Jenny and Jamie." TK looks over at Jamie.

"We've heard a lot about you, too. I heard you are a paramedic now." Chimney says, "Welcome to the paramedic life."

"Yeah. And I heard you had a piece of rebar through your head." TK laughs.

"Yeah... That was not a fun time." Chimney chuckles.

"I couldn't imagine it being one." Owen smirks.

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