Chapter 58 - Safe

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"Alright. What is the big news?" Bobby asks as he and Athena walk up to Chimney, who is sitting in the hallway.

"That is the big news." Chimney points to Addie as she carries the little baby out of the nursery.

"The baby that you delivered?" Athena looks confused.

"Is the news that he is alright?" Bobby asks.

"Nope." Chimney smiles.

"Then what is it?" Athena asks.

"He's not just any baby... He's our baby." Addie smiles, walking up next to Chimney.

"Your baby?!" Bobby looks at her.

"Yes. Our baby. His mother and father, as you know, didn't make it. After some searching, we weren't able to find any next of kin." Chimney explains.

"And he's just too perfect. So we decided that we want to adopt him." Addie smiles, hugging the baby close to her chest.

"Wow. That's huge. Are you sure you're ready for that big of a commitment?" Bobby asks.

"We're sure." Chimney stands up and puts his arm around Addie's waist.

"That's great. Congratulations." Athena smiles.

"We aren't completely in the clear yet. We talked to a woman from child services. We still have to have the adoption agency interview us and such, and wait for them to complete his records... But at least for now, we are his foster parents." Chimney puts his hand under Addie's to help support the baby's head.

"Which we all know takes time." Athena smiles.

"Exactly... But the lady that we already talked to seems to think that it shouldn't be too much of an issue for us to adopt him." Addie smiles.

"That is really great news." Athena says, "Can I hold him?"

"Of course!" Addie carefully hands the baby over to Athena.

"Do you have a name for him, yet?" Bobby asks, as he looks down at the baby over Athena's shoulder.

"We do... But we want to wait to tell everyone together." Chimney says.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go see them!" Athena says, excitedly, handing the baby back to Addie.

"Wait!" Melody calls, "Before you leave, we brought you a car seat." Melody picks up the car seat from behind the counter at the nurses station and brings it over to them.

"Thank you so much!" Addie says. She carefully places the little baby into the car seat and straps him in.

"You're welcome. We have to keep the little guy safe." Melody smiles, "And don't worry, we are getting the birth certificate all filled out."

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