Chapter 47 - Badass

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"Captain Nash! Thank you so much for helping my daughter and her girlfriend." Owen says as he spots Bobby in the lobby, he runs over to talk to him.

"It's part of the job, Captain Strand. You know that." Bobby says as he shakes Owen's hand.

"Owen." Owen introduces himself.

"Bobby... How's your daughter doing by the way? We haven't heard much of anything." Bobby asks as he sits down.

"Well... She's pretty banged up, obviously... But she's hanging in there. I think seeing her brother and Carlos definitely boosted her spirits." Owen smiles, sitting down next to Bobby.

"And how's that paramedic you brought with you doing... Tim was his name?" Bobby asks.

"He's doing much better. He just got so worried and anxious that his body couldn't handle it, I guess." Owen shrugs.

"Well, a broken back is definitely means to get anxious over." Bobby says.

"Yes it is. We are very lucky that she made it through... Thanks to your crew that is." Owen smiles.

"There were a lot of crews on the scene." Bobby tries to brush over the compliment.

"Yeah, but I heard through the grape vine that it was your niece who found the accident." Owen leans back, and looks at Bobby.

"That is correct her and her boyfr... Fiancé heard it happen." Bobby says, shaking his head.

"Fiancé huh? How do you feel about that?" Owen smirks.

"Well, considering he's one of my firefighters, a little weird. It's like my kids are getting married." Bobby laughs.

"I can see how it would feel like that... Definitely has to feel weird." Owen chuckled.

"Plus, he's been one of my closest friends for quite a few years now... The fact that my niece is old enough to date my friend? Now that is the weirdest part." Bobby shrugs.

"Yeah... That too." Owen says.

"But he really cares about her, so I guess I can let it slide." Bobby smiles.

"Which one is he?" Owen asks.

"Howard Han... Chimney." Bobby says.

"Wait! Isn't he the one that got a piece of rebar through his head and survived?!" Owen asks excitedly.

"That he is. He also survived a car accident a few months back, that led to him having yet another brain surgery." Bobby looks at Owen.

"He sounds pretty badass." Owen chuckles.

"Oh he definitely is. He's one hell of a firefighter and an even better paramedic." Bobby smiles.

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