Chapter 63 - Station

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"Why did we decide to fly with a baby?" Chimney asks, walking off of the airplane, carrying Kevin who is crying uncontrollably.

"Honestly... I don't know." Addie says, pulling the suitcase behind her. They make their way through the airport and step out into the hot Texas air.

"You're mom told us it was a better idea than driving... But, I'm beginning to think that taking him at all wasn't our best idea." Chimney smirks.

"It's a little late for that now." Addie laughs as they walk up to the side of the road.

"See them anywhere?" Chimney asks, holding his hand above his eyes to block out the sun.

"Ummm... Yeah! Over there!" Addie points down the street. Jenny and Jamie are waiting in their car. Jamie pulls the car up in front of them as Jenny waves excitedly.

"Hey!" Jenny says, jumping out of the car and tackling Addie in a hug.

"Hey, Jenny!" Addie laughs, "How are you?"

"I'm great! How are you?" Jenny asks.

"I'm doing alright." Addie smiles, looking over at Chimney.

"This must be Kevin!" Jenny says as she leans over to look at Kevin's face, "You're a little cutie, aren't you bud?"

"Hey, guys." Jamie says as she walks around the front of the car.

"Hey, Jamie! You look like you're doing much better." Chimney smiles.

"Oh, I am. I can actually move without being in constant pain... Don't get me wrong, I still have pain. It's just not constant anymore." Jamie shrugs.

"That's to be expected with a back injury though." Chimney says.

"Of course." Jamie laughs.

"Thanks to you guys, we are both alive. If you hadn't heard the crash, who knows how long we would have been down there... Or if we would have even made it out alive." Jenny says.

"That's true. We owe you two so much. That's why we aren't letting you guys pay for anything while you're here." Jamie smiles.

"No... You don't have to do that..." Addie says.

"We don't have to, but we're going to." Jamie smirks as she grabs their suitcases and loads them into the back of the car, "Also... Do you guys care if we swing by the station really quick? I have to get the keys from my dad. You guys are going to stay in his guest room."

"That's fine. I'd love to see another station." Chimney smiles.

"Of course you would." Addie rolls her eyes.

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