Chapter 74 - Crack

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"Addie?! Addie!" Athena yells as she runs towards the crowd with her gun in her hand. As she approaches she sees the gunman holding the gun to his head and Addie laying on the ground in front of him. Athena stops dead in her tracks, trying to avoid the gunman's aim getting set on her. "Officer down!" Athena frantically calls into the radio hooked on her shirt. 

"We are sending back up." the dispatcher says calmly as another gunshot sounds. 

"No need. He just did the job for us. I do however need an RA unit, and quick." Athena runs over to Addie's side as screams fill the air. People start running in every which way, crying. Part of the crowd, however, stands there in silence and watch as Athena kneels down beside Addie.

"Athena?" Addie looks up at Athena in a daze, her eyelids fluttering. 

"Addie. It's alright. I'm right here, ok?" Athena grabs Addie's hand, scanning her up and down for the wound. Addie looks into Athena's eyes and nods before her eyes fall shut. "No! No. You are not allowed to die on me." Athena says as she spots the blood pouring from Addie's hip. She grabs her knife out of her pocket and cuts a piece of her pant leg off, and holds it firmly on the wound. "Wake up, damn it."

After what seems like forever, the sound of sirens fills the air behind the crowd. Athena sighs in relief until she hears a familiar voice. "Clear a path!" the voice booms. 

"Oh my god. Bobby." Athena whispers. 

"Come on, guys. Clear a path. We need to get through." Chimney's voice rings out. 

"No... Not Chimney. Why did it have to be the 118?" Athena looks over trying to see how close they were. 

"We said move!" Eddie yells as he comes barreling through the crowd with a medkit draped over his shoulder. He stops when he makes eye contact with Athena. "Hey, cap! Chim! You guys should stay back and control the crowds. I think Hen, Buck, and I can handle this one." 

"Thank you." Athena mouths, although, Eddie's words led to no prevail. Athena watched as Bobby and Chimney made it to the front of the crowd. 

 "Bobby! Chim! You guys can't come over here." Eddie turns around and holds his hands out to stop them. Confused, Chimney looks over Eddie's shoulder and locks gazes with Athena. 

"Athena? Is everything... Wait... Is it?" Chimney's voice cracks as he comes to the realization.

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