Chapter 69 - Trust

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"How was Texas?" Bobby asks as Addie and Chimney climb into the backseat of the car. Athena had come with Bobby to pick them up. 

"It was good! Gave us a much needed break from life." Chimney laughs as he buckles the base of Kevin's car seat in. 

"That's good... But I didn't like the break from my little pseudo grandson." Bobby chuckles as he reaches back and tickles Kevin's stomach, a tiny smile creeps across his face. 

"I missed having you with me, Addie, that's for sure." Athena laughs, looking at her through the rearview mirror. 

"Why's that?" Addie asks, not looking up from Kevin. 

"There was just a lot going on. Just missed having a partner is all..." Athena looks over her shoulder at Addie after a few minutes of silence, "Are you alright?" 

"Yeah... Yeah. I'm fine." Addie says as she turns to look out the window. 

"Addie, what's wrong?" Bobby asks, starting to get worried. 

"It's nothing, Uncle Bobby." Addie sighs as Bobby starts driving. 

"It's not nothing. Tell them, Addie." Chimney looks at her and reaches over to grab her hand. He gives it a little squeeze. 

"Fine... While we were in Texas, Owen asked about the call when Athena got hurt..." Addie looks forward with a disgusted look on her face. 

"Oh..." Athena sighs as she looks down and messes with her rings. A silence filled the car again.

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" Addie asks breaking the silence.

"We just didn't want to scare you away from being a police officer. We knew that you really wanted to and we didn't want to change your mind." Bobby says as he merges onto the highway, "We didn't think you would ever find out." 

"She's my partner, Uncle Bobby. Someone should have told me." Addie crosses her arms and looks back out the window, "I need to know things like this."  

"You're right... I'm sorry. I should have told you myself. It was wrong of me to hide it from you." Athena turns around to look at her. 

"That doesn't change the fact that you didn't. I'm supposed to be able to trust you, but how can I now? What else haven't you told me?" Addie starts to cry. 

"Nothing. I swear that is it." Athena says, looking down again, "I have told you everything else. I promise, I won't keep anything like that from you again."

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