Chapter 54

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It happened. She's here.

August 20th, 7:25 pm, Nora Bella Fiennes Tiffin was brought into this world.

I didn't take the job offer a few months ago, no one knows I'm pregnant so I wanted to keep it that way and not be away from Hero. We kept it all private my entire pregnancy, and try to hide it and have only our close friends know about the baby. I'm a private person, I keep my famous and outside life separate from my real and private life. I'm a famous actress, who isn't big on social media in the first place.

I went online two days ago, on my twenty-forth birthday and saw all the amazing messages and then I logged out the next day and who would of known two days later I would of gave birth to my beautiful daughter.

"She's beautiful." Hero says wiping my hair off my forehead as I'm holding her as she's wrapped up in her blanket and him and I are laying in the bed at the hospital. Her eyes are a greenish brown like Hero's and her slight hair is a lighter brown. It's now around nine and we are just laying here. "I can't wait to bring her home." he says.

I look at him, into his sparkling green eyes. "I know. I can't wait either." I smile and plant a gentle kiss on his head and then I hand Nora to him as he gently holds her tightly against him. "Her eyes are like yours." I smile.

He looks at her on his chest caressing her back just smiling, not even talking and my heart has never been more warm in my entire life. I snap a picture of him admiring here and make it my lock screen. That's all I ever wanna see when I go on my phone, my two favorite things in the entire world. "She looks like you." he says still looking at her smiling. He looks up at me and takes her free hand and wipes the tear under my eye. "Hey, why are you crying?" he smiles and I shake my head and laugh. "It's just so surreal. This is all surreal and I'm just so happy I don't know what to do with myself." I say and he plants a kiss on my forehead and I rest into him as she's sound asleep in his arms.

1 week later,,,

Nora in her little car seat cuddled in her blanket and the windows open and the rooftop open letting the beach breeze into the car. Hero's hand on my thigh
as he's driving down the main road and I daze off collecting what's all in front of me. The sun setting and the ocean waves crashing together and the weather being the absolute perfect tempature. My hair blowing in the window and Hero just smiling. "Want to go on a walk on the beach?" Hero asks. I look back at Nora and then at him.

"Yes, I'd love that." I smile at him and he smiles and I continue looking out the window enjoying the breeze.

Hero parks the car and then I get out of the car and gently lift up Nora in her car seat and take my flip flops off and leave them at the car as Hero grabs my hand and we begin walking into the sand path that leads to the beach.

It's windy, not too windy but the breeze is nice.

"How are you feeling?" he asks as we begin walking along the beach. "I feel great, honestly." I say adjusting her blanket on her in her car seat. "I'm glad she's sleeping pretty good so far, she's been great and it's only been a week." I add.

"I know. We really lucked out." he smiles and I smile.

The only people that have her met her was Hero's dad George, Mercy and Titan. They adored her so much and Mercy was crying holding her because she was so happy to have a niece and Titan didn't know how to act, you could tell he has never held a baby before. George was almost crying as well but he wasn't. He was so happy and brought Hero and I a gift for her room to add with her theme and it was the hanging wall leaves which went perfecting on the wall of her crib. Josh wants to come down sometime in the next few days with Mia and Stephanie to meet her, which I would love for them to do and allow them to stay with us for a couple days.

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