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"Please go to sleep," I beg standing back up and rocking my hands up and down as I walk around the living room.

Avi refused to go to sleep and I don't know why. I know she was only a few weeks old but damn could this girl stay awake. I fed her, I changed her, I removed clothes, I added clothes and still I have no idea what to do.

Ace was the only person who seemed to be capable to putting her to sleep and he wasn't coming back any time soon.

He was away on a stupid business trip meaning I was stuck with Miss Grouchy for 5 whole days. I haven't slept in 5 whole days and neither has she.

I felt so helpless, sad and angry. I didn't even know what to feel anymore.

"Please," I whisper kissing her forehead. "Please," I continue to whisper hoping she would hear me and understand and finally go to sleep for the night.

Giving up, I sit down trying to rest my arms and legs. I grab my phone off the counter and immediately facetime Ace.

He told me that I could facetime him whenever I wanted and that he would immediately answer but I didn't want to bother him so I held myself to 1 call a day. I usually tried to keep my call for the night so I could wind down and talk to him about our days like we usually did but I couldn't help myself right now. I needed him.

I already feel my lip start to quiver as I click his name and the phone starts to ring. I felt the tiniest bit better knowing he would start talking to me soon and calming me down but to my dismay, he doesn't answer. This is the first time, when I've needed him the most, that he doesn't answer.

I try again thinking maybe he just missed it as he tried to grab his phone in time or maybe his phone was on silent or something. Anything to give an excuse as to why he didn't answer me.

So, I try again, keeping my eye on Avi who continues to cry but as slowly started to tire herself out with all the crying.

No answer. Again.

Throwing my phone to the side, I throw my head back and start to cry. I cry out of sleep deprivation, anger and sadness. I just needed help to get my baby to sleep. I wanted to sleep myself too and now I finally understood why Avi was crying.

I lift my head up trying to stop myself from crying but once the tears started I couldn't make them stop.

Right as I'm about to try my luck for the 3rd time I hear something shake in the lock. My heart skips a beat as I wait for what was happening.

I stand slowly and peep my head to look at the door, leaving Avi on the couch. Her crying wasn't very helpful but at least I'd be able to do something if something bad was to happen right now.

The door opens and in walks...Ace? My mouth drops open as I run back to the couch grabbing Avi since I hadn't left her in the safest of positions. I walk back to the door, my tear stained face and Avi still crying.

I can't even think about my appearance as I see Ace standing in my doorway.

"Hi baby," he whispers walking close to me.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper back, my voice disappearing through shock, tears of relief brimming my eyes.

"I told them I couldn't stay any longer, I knew Avi would give you a hard time and I didn't want to leave you like that. I can see she's been so good," he says resting his hand on her head.

"What happened my love," he coos as the flood gates open and I start to sob. He grabs my head pushing me into his chest. He holds one hand on the back of my head as he rests his chin on the top of my head, his other hand on Avis head.

𝕓𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕚𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤  (A+A) Where stories live. Discover now