The Watchman of the Underworld

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My longest chapter lol

-3rd POV-

"Sorry to rain on your parade, but this isn't some tourist destination. You can't just roll up on your broom like, "Me and the boys looking for classmates!" You guys got a screw loose or something?" Idia said.

"Whoa...Idia-senpai's really here!" Epel said, shocked.

"So the Roi des Dragons spoke the truth. He claimed that Idia Shroud was the Watchman of the Island of Woe, who governs Styx. Goodness...I truly am shocked." Rook said.

(Y/n) stared at the male, 'So this is Ortho's brother...' She thought.

"That makes two of us. How'd you get here?" The flame haired male said.

"Before I answer that, might I have confirmation of one thing? Are those who were abducted safe?" The hunter said, eyes narrowing at the male.

"I'm gettin' sick of this cloak-and-dagger act, so sure, I'll tell you. Yes, they're all full of life to an annoying degree."

The male smiled, as the other three were relieved, "Wonderful! I've been so worried, I thought I might burst!"

"But like...The Charon troops trounced you back at school. Why did you follow us when you knew you couldn't beat 'em?"

"I told you—Vil is in mortal peril."

"Mortal peril. My searches indicated this is a state of grave danger involving the risk of death. You've said this a few times now, Rook Hunt-san. Is Vil Schoenheit afflicted with something that endangers his life?" Ortho tilted his head.

"No, but he might, given time We have come to avert a terrible crisis for Vil. I care not what happens to me, as long as my dear friend is safe. Please, I implore you, could you deliver this to him?" He said, showing them the items.

"What's all this stuff? Doesn't really look like medicine." Idia said, looking at them.

"Scanning bottle ingredients. Main ingredients: water, vitamin C, collagen, essential oils..." The boy's eyes widen, "Wait, are these...?"

"Indeed! They are dear Vil's skincare products!" The blond smiled.

"They're not life-saving medicine?!" The flame haired male  loudly exclaimed, "Wha...It's really just a buncha creams and stuff? You're not, like, trying to smuggle in some dangerous potions to help them break out?"

"I've just finished scanning the whole set. There are no corrosive fluids or any other toxic ingredients. While they do contain moisturizing agents and a cantrip-level enchantment...They appear to be honest-to-goodness homemade skincare products." Ortho smiled.

"Dude...I don't even know where to start. It's clearly not worth risking your life over skin creams. Like, ever."

"How can you say that, Roi de sa Chambre?!" Rook said, making the male's eyes widen and reel back, "You are right—there is nothing more sacred than life. However, some of us hold aesthetic principles in such high regard, we're willing to stage our lives on them." 

"Yeah! You're just sayin' that 'cuz you don't know how scary Vil-san gets when you skip yer skincare routine! It's bad news, Ah tell ya!" The lilac haired male exclaimed.

"Okay, you don't have to shout..." Idia said, before looking at them with eyes widen, "So...You guys don't have any other demands? That's it?"

"Oui!" The hunter smiled.

"Wow, attacking the Island of Woe just to deliver cosmetics...Even with Styx's supercomputer system...Your behavioral patterns are impossible to predict. We should probably save this data as an edge case." Ortho said.

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