Chapter 80: "We just kiss!"

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Chapter 80, and we did it! We got to 20,000 READS and we're so close to 1,000 VOTES! Thank you all so much!!! I know I say this a lot, but please send some one shot requests! Any ship, no matter what, I will get it done at some point and give you a shout out! Also, make sure Love You Forever is in your library! I'm guessing that probably around Thanksgiving time, this book will be complete, but Rina, Madlyn, Seblos, and all our other favorite ships aren't! Enjoy the first Summer chapter!

Ricky's POV
Today is Gina's last day on set of Romeo and Juliet. When we get back from camp, there will be lots of press, and in August she'll have to back to California for a trailer drop, but that's not for a while.

Today, we're all going to surprise Gina on set close to the end of her work day. She knows I'll be there, but that's it.

Tomorrow, we finish getting ready for the trip, and Gina is adamant about getting her box braids done. I know that that's important to her, so it's important to me too.

Then, the day after tomorrow, we leave for camp! I can't wait. Two years ago, I was with Nini, struggling with the confusion of my parents, and trying to really figure out what love was.

I never would've thought I'd be a theater nerd, desperately in love with a girl who I want to marry and have a family with.


"So everyone knows the plan?" I asked.

"Yep!" Everyone called.

I know that the movie ending today was a relief to Gina, but I know it also will probably be an emotional next couple of days. Just because she didn't want to go to New Zealand doesn't mean she didn't want to do the movie, and even with all the stress, I know she loved this.

This also might be the last film she works on for quite a while.

We're all going to try to make a happy day for her, but in the end, I'll probably be holding her tonight in one of our beds, rocking her to help her feel better. If she cries. (Ricky where are  you when I need you!?)

Ashlyn's POV
It's nearing the last scene of the shoot now, and we're all getting ready to surprise Gina on her set.

I love Gina so much. She's literally my sister, and I don't know what any of our lives would be like if she hadn't stayed after HSM.

I hope we never lose her again.

"Action!" We heard the director shout.

Big Red's POV
"We're gonna do a couple more takes for different angles!"

Gina and I never spent much time together or one on one really at all, but I've always cared about. I don't think Gina ever realized how much we all just wanted her to be okay. 

(Time to cry)

Ashlyn always noticed when something was off. EJ and her always had something special. Ricky didn't always show it in the right way, but he didn't know what the boundaries were with Gina while being with Nini. He didn't speak up, but he was worried about her. Kourtney had her own things she was dealing with, but she loves Gina so much. Nini has always cared deeply about Gina. They dated the same guys, but there was no bad blood between them. She might be one who cares about Gina the most. Carlos and Gina always could have good conversations, and connect to each other. Seb loves everyone so much, and just wanted to see Gina happy. Maddox and Jet didn't know Gina for long, but they formed a close friendship with her, and they care about her. Emmy never realized what Gina was going through. She grew up watching Gina's TikTok's, but she never realized what the constant moving boxes in the background of videos symbolized. They symbolized change and a lack of stability. 

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