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The walk down the hall seems long. It's dead silent, the sound of my heels piercing my ears.

I take one deep breath before opening the door I've been dreading.

"What's the verdict?"

Reed Richard, a man I've only known for a few hours. It took a lot to get a meeting with him but once he set eyes on Aurora he dropped everything to work on her.

A dozen tests and blood samples later he finally has a decision for me. It's something that I've noticed since she was two but I can't keep looking the other way.

The supernatural world is something I haven't thought about in years. I try to live my life as normal as possible.

Superheroes, witches, human mutates are all a norm in the real world. Most people are pretty accepting. But not me. 

"Natalie, you might want to sit down."

I do as he says.

"She's one of them.. isn't she?"

A woman with bright blue eyes and long blonde hair walks in. She's got a clipboard in hand but behind her is someone I used to know but only see on television.


"I'm here to help Aurora, Natalie, and that's all."

I look back at Reed.

"She's a witch.. a very powerful one at that. She's so young and I've never seen this much power in someone so small."

"What does this mean?"

"It means she'll need to know how to control and use it."

"And what better person than me."

I turn back to Wanda. Truth is I don't think I'd trust anyone more than her to teach my daughter how to use her magic.

The young woman in front of me isn't the same girl I knew. She's grown into her features. Beautiful as ever.

"Fine." I say. "She needs to know that she is not a hero."

"You and I both know that is not true."

I do but that doesn't mean I want her to think that. Being a hero comes with responsibilities and consequences. Things that I don't want her to be weighed down by.

I always knew deep down that at least one of them would inherit my mother's magic and power. I only hoped that it would pass through them and leave them be.

But of course, I was wrong. The fight in Aurora's eyes even in her young age reminds me of my mother's. And it terrifies me.

Being powerful is what got her killed. It's what forced us all to become strangers when we're family.

"And she cannot know who you really are."

"Do you think that's a good idea?"

"I am her mother!" I snap. "I decide what is good for her!"

"Good for her.. or good for you?"

Wanda's words sting.

"She is more powerful than mom and me combined. She is this universes savior! Mother saw it! Why can't you?"

"Because she is my daughter!"

The thought that one day Aurora will become what my mother always said is a nightmare. And I'm living it.

"Her trust in you will falter if she finds out on her own. Do you not get that?"

The eighteen year old in front of me sounds like our mother the more she talks. It's uncanny.

"I made my decision. I hope you respect it."

She shakes her head in disagreement.

"I would never do anything to harm you in any way, Nat. I just hope this isn't a mistake. Because if she goes down the wrong path.. nobody will be able to stop her."

I finally look at my daughter, sitting playfully in a chair. She looks over at the glass and for a split second her iris' turn white before going back to blue.

And my fears have truly come true. What my mother said is correct.

My daughter is the White Witch.

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