68| It was always us against the world

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I stand in the back of the very small and intimate funeral. We didn't tell anyone from Beacon Hills. It's been a few days and it's still hard to believe. It's hard to imagine a life without my literal twin.

"Now.. I'd like for Aurora to say a few words."

All heads turn around to me. I feel a hand intertwine with mine. I look at Lainey.

"It'll be okay."

I let go of her hand and walk up to the podium. My mom gives me the biggest hug before sitting down. Sue immediately grabs her hand the second she does.

"I honestly thought I would be the one to die first.. but I guess I never thought I would be doing this for her."

I take a deep breath.

"We were so competitive as kids. But we loved it. It was always us against the world. Until now.."

I look at the photo my mom decided to use. She looks so beautiful. I turn back to the crowd and that's when I see a ghostly outline of Wanda and my grandmother. Another one appears of Lydia. She smiles and nods.

"At least I know she's in good hands on the Other Side. And now I just have one more person watching over me." I smile. "I love you, Lyd."

"I love you too, Ror."

I wipe the tears falling down my cheeks. I blink and they're gone. I grab my chest. It still hurts so much.

I black out for the rest of the funeral. Until we get back to Baxter Building. Sue takes my mom up to the roof. Lainey and I walk to the kitchen.


"And that's my cue."

Lainey leaves the kitchen just as Reed speaks. I turn around to him.

"You still want to kill her, don't you?"

"You were plotting the whole time with Billy?"

"I wouldn't call it plotting."

"I would."

"We've been capturing all the people who don't belong here." He says. "She was the last one."

"Does that mean.."

"We can send them back."

I don't want to send her back. I want to kill her. But then that means Billy leaves too. I don't want him to leave.

"Is there a way to not send Billy back?"


"My mom's already lost so much. I don't want to take the one person who reminds her of her sister away."

He shakes his head.

"You'd win father of the year?"

He looks at me and tries not to smile. He's always been the father I deserved but didn't get. And yet I ended up with him anyway.

"I would be going against my own code."

"For me?"

"My exception."

I smile and walk towards him. He pulls me in for a hug. I didn't realize how much I needed until he attempted to let me go.

I hold onto him tighter. He gives in, wrapping his arms back around me.

"I don't care what any birth certificate says, Aurora, you're my daughter."

"And you're my dad." I smile. "I love you."

"Love you too, kiddo."

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