35| You're the reason Wanda is dead..

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"I'm getting way too close, aren't I?"

I look up from my phone at Allison in the driver seat.

"Why are we doing this again?"

I look in the rear view mirror at Lydia and Lainey in the backseat. Allison and I dragged both Lainey and Lydia on our little adventure.

"I also have that same question." Lydia looks at me. "This one can't let go of her ex-boyfriend."

"Well, after last night I'm not letting him out of my sight."

"I want to know why I was left out of the plan.."

I completely put my phone down, turning around to look at Lainey. Nobody informed me of the little meet up with the Alpha pack.

I haven't heard from Deucalion so it would've been the perfect opportunity to kill the one who will kill Lainey. It was also risky.

Apparently Derek is dead. Which I don't really care about. Good riddance. I could give less of a fuck. But Lainey hasn't been the same. She's been grieving.

It goes silent for a while until Lydia points out that Allison is running out of gas. I look over and tell her she needs to get gas. Allison slams on the brakes as cars are at a stand still.

My phone starts ringing as I pull it out. I haven't talked to Stiles since he left this morning for the school. I told him Allison and I had a day of fun planned which he did not believe. He knew I was full of bullshit.

"Great.. it's Stiles." I answer the phone. "Hey, lover boy.. we're actually about to walk into the movie theater. Super cool. They're playing Revenge of the Sith on-"

"You know I have your location, right? I know you guys are right behind us. Put me on speaker."

I click the speaker button and put my phone on the console.

"Okay, look.. Scott's still hurt."

"Wait what? He's not healing?"

"No, he's not healing. I actually think he's getting worse. The bloods turning like a black color."

"What's wrong with him?"

"What's wrong with him? Do I have a PhD in lycanthropy? How am I supposed to know that?"

I roll my eyes at his sassiness.

"We need to get him off the bus."

"And take him where a hospital?"

"If he's dying, yeah."

"No.. we can't take him to a hospital." I snap. "Maybe I can heal him or something."

"There's a rest stop a mile up." Allison says. "Tell the coach to pull over."

"Yeah, I've been trying."

"Try harder."

"Easy for you to say."

"Do it!"

I hang the call up. We finally get out of traffic and follow the bus to the rest stop where one of the students had thrown up. Everyone piles off the bus as we wait for Stiles and Scott.

Allison helps Stiles bring Scott into the bathroom. I go to follow them, leaving Lainey and Lydia. The first thing I see is Scott on the floor with his shirt up. I've never seen a wound so bad.

I move Allison out of the way. I kneel down and hover my hand over his wound. It's too large and too deep for me to heal. Not to mention it was done from an Alpha.

I look behind at Stiles and Allison. I shake my head.

"We have to do something.. he's dying."

"Someone get me a first aid kit."

"First aid? Allison he's a-"

"Get me a first aid kit!"

Stiles wastes no time leaving and coming back with one. Allison starts getting to work on stitching up the wound.

"If he thinks it's healing maybe he'll heal."

Stiles and I walk out of the bathroom.

"You look pretty."

"Such a sweet talker."

"I can do a lot more than sweet talking."

"Mr. Stilinski.. you dirty-"

"Isaac, stop!"

I walk towards the crowd of people, pushing people out of the way. Isaac punches Ethan repeatedly as everyone just watches. Coach tries to get Isaac off of him. I try to get Isaac's attention. Lainey's yelling at him to stop but he's not listening.


Scott's yell is the one that actually gets him to stop. He looks at Ethan before looking at Scott. Danny runs to Ethan's side. Lainey pushes Isaac away.

"Are you out of your mind?"

"They're the reason Derek's dead, Lainey. You expect me to do nothing?"

If only he knew Derek will be the reason Lainey meets her death. I start to walk towards them but Stiles grabs my hand.

"Rory, don't."

"He helped us and now he's dead."

I yank my hand out of his grasp.

"Are you stupid? You don't even know Derek."

"Don't get me started, Aurora." Isaac says. "She wouldn't have even accepted the bite if it wasn't for you. The powerful White Witch. Your job isn't to protect her. Why can't you get that through your head?"

"Hey, man, just calm down."

Stiles steps in front of me.

"You're the reason Wanda is dead.. you can't even protect your own family."


I take one step forward and swing my fist. He grabs his face as I fight the urge to hit him again.

"Fuck you, Lahey."

I turn around, walking to the bus. I sit down towards the back. I look at my swollen knuckles. I don't think I've ever punched someone so hard.

I look to my right when someone sits beside me. Lainey forces a smile. She grabs my hand.

"Wanda wasn't your fault.. you know that, right?"

It doesn't matter how many people tell me it wasn't my fault, I know it is. She died protecting my identity. I can't help but think if maybe I wasn't her niece if she would've given me up and lived.

"I need you to say it wasn't your fault."

"I can't." I whisper. "Because it is."

Her eyes soften and she squeezes my hand.

"It's okay, Lain.."

She puts her head on my shoulder. A simple gesture that tells me more than words can explain.

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