6| The real question is who are you?

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I groan as my alarm goes off. I grab my phone, turning off the horrible sound of my alarm. I open my eyes before rubbing them.

I got home late and it's all because of Derek. We were chasing the Alpha and we got separated. Someone shot him. I hid to avoid being seen.

Wanda would be disappointed in me while Reed would probably be excited that I'm embracing this hero side of me he's been desperately waiting to see.

I looked for Derek as long as I could before going home. I almost set off the alarms in the house when I snuck in through my window.

I get up, brushing my teeth right away. I pick out my outfit for the day which consists of jeans, a cropped top and a faux leather jacket. I pull my boots on before going downstairs.

I grab a muffin my mom bought from the grocery store last night. I walk out to my car to pick up Lainey.

I drive to the Stilinski house. I wait on the street for Lainey. I watch her and Stiles walk out together. He looks at me and I look away.

I guess we're friends now. Again. Pushing him away was one of the hardest things I've had to do but now that he knows what I am I want to keep him close. I want him. He doesn't look at me like a monster.

"How did last night go?"

I look at Lainey, shaking my head. It went good at first until Derek got shot. We had a good chance of catching him but some hunter shot him.

"Absolutely fucking terrible."

I explain in detail what happened on our way to school. We both get out of my car, heading towards the front doors.

"Do you think he's dead?"

"No. If he was dead I'd know because I would've dreamt it or seen it by touching him. He's not dead."

I walk to my locker, glancing over at Stiles and Scott. I look back at Lainey who's giving me a weird look.


"I know Stiles went to your house the other night."


"You're not friends with him."

"Actually, we're friends again."

"And you think it's a good idea?"

Lainey knows the reason I pushed him and Scott out of my life. I mean not the real reason. I don't think I could ever tell her how I feel about Stiles.

I ignore her weird stare, going to class. All my classes go by fast until the last one of the day. I keep getting this feeling of I'm not alone. I mean obviously I'm in a class with like twenty other students.

I look at my shaking hand as I try to take notes. I look around the classroom as my heart starts beating fast. I blink and I'm no longer in the classroom.

I don't even know where I am. It's almost like a garden but all the flowers are dead. I walk down the path, hovering my hand over one of the flowers as it springs back to life.

"Life and death. Both important and intertwined."

I turn around at the voice. A woman with long red hair appears. She's wearing robes.

"Who are you?"

"The real question is who are you?"

I look at her confused.

"Aurora Martin?"

"You seem unsure."

"Aurora Martin."

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