43| Until next time, Aurora

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Two Weeks Later

"How are you feeling today, Aurora?"

I look up from my hands to the woman in front of me on my laptop. After the fight with Agatha, I've been distancing myself from everyone.

They all notice but don't say anything. Except for Stiles. He's the only one who keeps coming by everyday trying to get me to talk.

I feel guilty for taking his pain but it's what he wanted. It's also made it hard to be around him. He seems fine because he is. He doesn't feel the pain of losing her. It's like he's healed. He misses her of course but the pain isn't there.

"I'm fine."

"This only works if you open yourself up to me."

My mom thought it was a good idea to see a therapist because I wasn't about to talk about my feelings to her or Lydia.

She talked to Reed and Sue who agreed. They set me up with a doctor who specializes with super powered humans.

"I don't really know what you want me to say."

"Say anything." She says. "Be honest with how you feel."

I slowly nod. I haven't really been honest with myself. Lydia promised not to tell our mom about me reading the Darkhold as long as I stopped reading it.

I listened to her because she was right. It was corrupting me. I was so okay with doing whatever was needed to bring Lainey back that I was losing sight of myself. Now the black is nearly gone from my fingers.

But that doesn't mean I haven't found another way to bring her back. While reading it I found something that I was never told about. And something not many witches know about.

"I know you want me to open up but saying it just makes it real."

"Okay.. then let's talk about something else." She smiles. "How are you feeling after killing Agatha?"

"Like a weight is lifted from my shoulders."

"Do you think there was any way to spare her life?"

I look at her and know Reed has already talked to her.

"People like her don't deserve to live. She's had hundreds of years to live a life.. and she spent the better part of those hundred years searching for me. She was okay with killing a teenage girl.. so I was okay with killing her if it meant that my friends and family stayed safe."

We spend the next half hour talking about my normal day to day stuff until our session is over. I say my goodbye and close my laptop. I take a deep breath and leave my room.

Lydia is out with Allison and God only knows where my mom is. I grab my keys and head out to my car. I stop when I see Derek walking up the driveway.

"Can I help you?"

"I feel like we need to talk."


I hate him. I hate him because my pain could've been avoided if he never had offered Lainey the bite. But the blame really isn't on him.

"Aurora.." he whispers. "I can't.. I can't tell you how sorry I am."

"Sorry won't bring her back."

"I know."

I hold back my tears. Every single day I've cried at least once. It's been getting a little easier. But then I see something as simple as a certain plate and memories flood in and then come the tears.

"You just remind me so much of my sister."

"Please don't say Cora."

He laughs softly.

"Laura." He forces himself to say the name. "I never wanted it to end this way."

I saw something in Derek that sparked something inside me. I decided to help him on a limb. It's what made me truly start to embrace myself as a hero.

And I've been blaming him for being Lainey's death. The Alpha pack were never in Beacon Hills for Derek. They were here for Scott.

"I've been really hard on you. I.. I just never thought I'd be living the rest of my life without Lainey." I say. "I'm sorry for blaming you.."

"Don't be. She would've never been in the situation if it wasn't for me."

I slowly nod. He holds his arms out and I slowly walk into them.

"I'm leaving.. for good. I'm bringing Cora back to South America and then.. I don't know where I'll end up."

"But you wanted to make amends before leaving?"


I back up from him. I hated him for turning my best friend into a werewolf, I hated him for lying to me.

But in a way Derek saved me. He made me realize I can be a hero because after all it was what I was meant for.

"If you ever need anything from a future Avenger.. I'm a call away."

"Dually noted." He smiles. "Until next time, Aurora."

"Get a little tan in South America.. you're kinda pale."

He smiles. I watch him walk towards his car before getting into mine.

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