41| I lost her

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I look at my massacre of a bathroom. Blood everywhere. After Stiles pulled the pole out of my stomach, he freaked out. And I get it. Blood was literally spilling out of my stomach. While I was waiting for it to heal at least a little bit he told me everything.

It's still not fully healed. And if I'm being honest I feel like shit. It's taking forever for it to heal. Stiles wanted to come with me but I told him no.

I think part of me didn't want him to come because I don't want to heal. I think that's why it's taking forever.

I put my back to the wall and slide down, still holding my hand over it. I take deep breaths. It doesn't hurt but something else does.

Through the door I see a singular picture on my vanity. I lay my head back to try and stop the tears from falling down. It doesn't work. I close my eyes and let it out.


My eyes pop open at the sound of my mom's voice. She runs in, staring at the blood. She kneels down to try and get a look at my wound.

"Baby, what happened?"

"I lost her."


I can barely breath. It hurts. It all hurts.

"I.. I lost her, mom."

She puts her hands on my face with tears in her eyes.

"I have all this power.. and I couldn't save her."

"Sweetie.. I cannot fathom the pain you are feeling. And if I could take it away I would in a heartbeat."

She takes one hand off my face and moves mine from my wound. She knows that I should be healing and I'm not.

"You need to heal."

"What if I don't want to?"

"Do you think Lainey would want that?" She asks. "The answer is no. She would want you to live and to carry on her memories."

I don't say anything because I don't know what to say.

"I remember the first time I met Lainey.. I knew immediately that you'd be friends forever. She was the yin to your yang. She kept you in check even if you don't like to admit it." She smiles. "It's not fair that your forever with her ended early."

She kisses my forehead, holding me close.

"My mother used to tell me all about the multiverse.. how there are different versions of us in them."

The tears stop. I don't really have anymore to shed. So, I sit and listen.

"And some bonds are constant in every universe. Wanda saw something in you and Lainey that is very rare. You may have lost her in this universe but find comfort in the fact that in every universe.. in every lifetime.. Aurora Martin always finds her way to Alaina Stilinski."

I slowly nod. I take a deep breath, finally being okay with healing. I look down at it rapidly healing. I look back up to her.

"You'll be okay one day, I promise.."

I know she's right. I will be okay. It'll be hard, it already is. And it doesn't help that I took both Stiles and Noah's pain. What they didn't realize is that by me taking their pain I was me taking it in as my own. The hurt is so much worse than it should be.

I get up to change out of my blood soaked clothes. My mom starts cleaning the blood in my bathroom. I get in bed and pass out immediately.

I wake up to Stiles banging on my door. I slowly get up and open the door. My whole body feels numb.

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