60| Your time will end

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I stare at my mom in the kitchen. She looks so happy swaying back and forth while baking cookies. My favorite cookies. Snickerdoodle.

"Honey, shouldn't you be at the school?" She says. "Lydia left a little bit ago."

"Yeah.. umm I just lost track of time."

Time is something I don't have a lot of. I force a smile, grabbing my keys from the table. I walk out to my car, closing my eyes once my head hits the head rest.

It's been months of no sign of Emma, or Lainey. Although most of my summer was spent in New York. I needed the time away. It's also preparing me for what's to come after high school.

Life's been normal. Or as normal as it can be. Most of my days in New York were spent training. It kept my mind off everything going on. Kira is still the only person besides Billy who knows about Lainey.

I'm dreading the day that I face her again because I know it'll happen. I just don't know when. And I don't know if I can take it. If Billy didn't come back that night, I don't think I could've fought her.

Reed gave me this device in the event that I do run into someone from a different universe. A press of a button on it and pointed directly at them will send them to the cells of the basement of Baxter Building.

It's disguised as a bracelet. It's still ugly. But I need to wear it. Sue told me she has a bad feeling about me being back here and one thing about Sue is that her gut is never wrong.

I needed to come back. I've spent my life with these people. I was so excited to leave and become a hero that now that the time is here I don't want to.

I don't want to leave the people who've shaped me into who I am. And they all know how different my life will be once that last bell rings. I just don't know I have it in my heart to say goodbye to them.

I drive to the school, parking in my normal spot. I get out, taking everything in. I start to walk towards the school, turning to look at the lacrosse field. Kira's faint yell fills my ears.


I run towards the lacrosse field. Underneath the bridge, I run to Kira's side.

"You okay?"

"Not really."

I look up at a man standing over Scott. His claws glow a light blue. I create an energy sword when someone drops down. He runs after the man, giving Scott time to get up. I pull the sword back in as the two fight.

He stabs Scott with his claws as Scott falls to his knees. I create another energy sword again, cutting his hand off.

"The White Witch.. I've heard a lot about you."

I hold out my free hand, slamming his body against the wall. I hold it up my energy sword to his neck.


"Give me a reason not to kill you."


He laughs.

"Your time will end."

I move the sword closer to his neck.


I let go at the sound of Stiles voice. The man drops to the ground. I pull the sword back into my body.

"If there's a next time.. there won't be anyone to stop me from killing you."

He holds his arm and runs away. I help Scott up, getting a better look at who attempted to help him. My breath catches in my throat when I get a clear view of his face.

"You're Theo Raeken.."

We lock eyes and it's like all the air is knocked out of my lungs. He looks identical to the Theo I met on the other universe. The pictures flash in my mind. He had tons of them with my variant.

"And who could forget the amazing Aurora Martin." He smiles. "The White Witch."

I'm almost starstruck seeing him. I can't believe he's here.

"How do you know about that?"

Stiles steps forward, slightly pushing my body behind his. Maybe I'm over exaggerating the gesture because no one else seems to notice. 

"I think everyone knows about the White Witch.. and Wailing Woman."

I mean I guess he has a point. When we both became our respective parts I knew people would know the Aries Twins have risen.

I look at him as he talks to everyone. It feels like every other words out eyes connect again. I get lost in my head, trying to understand what this means. Our souls are tied together, which means in every universe we always find out way to one another.


I look at Kira.

"Come on."

I don't realize how long I'd zoned out for. She looks at me confused before I follow them inside. I look over my shoulder at Theo. He smiles and I turn back around.

Stiles forces all of us to the school. Lydia pops up out of nowhere. I pretty much zone out on our entire way to the library. I don't talk much as we get in line. Before I know it we're the next ones up.

Scott hands me the marker. I look at the other initials when my eyes land on one in particular. D.H.

I smile before writing down my initials. I hesitate, writing down an L and S. I hand Stiles the marker, our fingers brushing against one another. I quickly pull my hand away, stepping next to Kira and Scott.

I walk out into the hallway. I glide my fingers over the lockers as I pass them. I've had some of the best memories of my life in this school.


I turn around at the sound of Stiles voice.

"You okay?"

"I'm great."

He knows I'm lying but doesn't say anything. He walks closer. I can tell something is bothering him. He was the one who was so dead set on us being here for the senior scribe.

"I asked my dad about his old high school friends the other day. You know how many he still talks to? None. I mean these were his best friends."

I let him talk.

"And I was thinking about things.. like I normally do. What if Scott's my best friend right now but not my best friend for life?"

I think that's what scares me the most. I'll have to say goodbye to people who have been in my life pretty much the entirety of it. There's been ups and downs but that's what being a family is about.

"I've already found the best people in my life, why would I not want to stay with them? I mean.. you're gonna go the farthest away.. y-you're going to become some big superhero that we'll only ever see on tv and that terrifies me."

"It doesn't matter how far away I am, Stiles, I will always come running if you call."

It's true. No matter how far away I am, alls it takes is one phone call from any of them to have me come running back. I'll always come back home.

"There you are."

We both turn our heads to Malia. I force a smile. I told myself I need to stop holding a grudge and that means being nice to Malia, which has been going pretty good.

"I should go.."

I slowly walk away. I cross my arms against my body while walking to my car. I look at the school again.

This is the beginning of the end to my journey here. But I don't know if I want to say goodbye. How am I supposed to say goodbye to the most important people in my life?

I've been so dead set on leaving and becoming a hero that now that it's finally time I don't want to but I also don't have a choice.

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