24| Look at my lover boy

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Stiles death grips my hand. 

"Oh my God, Stiles, you're gonna break my hand."

He loosens his grip. We reach the elevator. I smile at the woman at the front desk. Her name is Melanie. She's worked here at Baxter Building for about six years.

We get on the elevator and I can tell that Stiles is nervous. He keeps fixing his shirt that doesn't need fixing. 

"Relax.. Sue's going to love you."

"I'm more worried about Reed. Should I call him Mr. Richards? I feel like calling him Mr. Fantastic is too formal?"

"Please, do not call him Mr. Fantastic. He hates that."

"Got it."

The bell rings and the doors whoosh open. I walk off, walking around the corner and seeing Sue whispering to Reed. I cough to get their attention. 

"There she is!"

Sue walks towards us, bringing me in for a hug. She turns to Stiles, doing the same. 

"Oh, wow."

He clearly wasn't expecting that. 

"This is the boy you were talking about? What a little cutie pie."

"Don't badger him, Sue."

Stiles stands tall as Reed nears him. He looks him up and down as I roll my eyes. Reed is trying so hard to act intimidating and it's working on Stiles. 

"Reed Richards."

"Stiles Stilinski."

"I'm aware, boy."

I grab Stiles hand, pulling him away from Reed. We walk towards the dinner table that's been set. Johnny and Ben are arguing, as they normally do. I stand still until one of them notices me. 


I smile as Johnny walks towards me. He pulls me in for a hug. 

"And this must be the boy who has her in a chokehold."

"Shut up."

He holds his hand out for Stiles to shake. 

"This is Johnny, Sue's brother and Ben, Reed's best friend since childhood." I smile. "The Fantastic Four."

"Hopefully Fantastic Five soon."

"Reed." Sue smacks Reed's arm. "Don't push it."

"Where's Val and Frankie?"

Everyone sits down at the table when I notice the two kids missing. 

"They've been spending a lot of time with my parents."

Sue looks sad. I'm guessing it wasn't her decision. Val and Franklin are both powerful even in their young ages. I know how much it scares Sue. 

I quickly change the subject to my life in Beacon. I leave out the fact I'ma actively looking for the Darkhold. Reed will badger me about it having the ability to corrupt me. 

And he's got a point. But it's a risk I'm willing to take if it means I can know the truth about myself and Lydia being the Aries Twins. 

Dinner goes well, Stiles gradually gets more comfortable with everyone. After we eat Stiles helps Johnny clean up. 

I stand on the balcony, looking over the city. The constant noise is oddly soothing. The honking of horns, yells and sound of cars driving. 

"You okay out here?"

I look over my shoulder at Reed. 

"I'm fine."

"I've known you almost your whole life, Aurora, I know when something is wrong."

"You knew I had Maximoff blood, didn't you?"

"It wasn't my secret to tell." He says. "Your mother made me promise I wouldn't tell a soul. And I take promises seriously."

"As do I.." I look at him. "Because of you."

Reed has always been more of a father to me than my own. And I love him like one. I've always looked up to him. 

"I'm ready to be a hero. But right now my job is to protect Beacon Hills. The world can wait for me."

"It can indeed." He pulls me in for a hug. "You'll be the worlds greatest defender.. one day."

"Thank you.. for being the dad I needed."

"I wouldn't have had it any other way."

He kisses the top of my head before letting me go. Stiles walks out and Reed walks back in, patting him on the back. 

"I think he likes me."

"I mean how could he not?"

He comes closer. I grab hold of his shirt, pulling him even closer. 

"Look at my lover boy."

"Don't call me that."

"Or what?"

He smirks. 

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