64| I can't save evil

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"The Dread Doctors?" I look at the book Malia gave me. "So, we're all going to read this?"


"And Stiles couldn't find anything on the author?"



I open the book to skim through the pages. I stop at the acknowledgments.


"Valack.." I show her the page. "I gotta find Scott."

I hand her back the book. I walk down the hall, bumping into Scott.

"We're going to Eichen."

"To see Valack?"

"You know it."


It's dark out by the time we get to Eichen. I keep looking at Stiles who's clearly in pain but he's trying so hard to act like he's not.

Lydia and Kira keep pressing the button to talk to someone inside. I roll my eyes.

"You know I can break through the gates, right?"

"Yes but we don't want to seem hostile, Rory."


I cross my arms, listening in on Stiles and Scott's conversation.

"She almost took off his head."

"Maybe she had no choice." Stiles says. "There's gotta be a point where self defense is justified. Tracy killed her own father. And Lucas would have killed you."

"They're not the bad guys. They're the victims. We shouldn't be killing the people we're supposed to save."

I look at the ground. Scott's point of view is valid but his words eat away at me. I know he acts like he doesn't see me as a killer but I know deep down he does.

My thoughts are interrupted by the gate buzzing and opening. I'm the first to walk through, ready to get this night over with.

We get inside, having to empty our pockets of everything. The only thing I brought is my phone which I put into the container.

Kira argues with the man about removing her belt. He doesn't give in, making her take it off. The man stares at Lydia which makes her uncomfortable.

We all turn our attention to the guard who is going to be bringing us down to Valack. He brings us to flights of stairs.

"I'll remind you that I'm only doing this as a favor to Deaton. And I'm doing it against my better judgment."

I follow him down a long hallway when I realize Kira and Scott stopped walking. I turn around as they look around the walls.

"You didn't think you were all going, did you?"

"This is mountain ash, isn't it?"

"Everywhere but heavily concentrated down here."

"Well.. mountain ash doesn't work on me so.."

The man looks at me with wide eyes as I walk towards Stiles and Lydia.

"I can't let you through."

"And why is that?"

I watch him take a big gulp.

"I'm not letting them go in there alone."

"I can't."

I smile.

"You know who I am, don't you?" I ask. "I can do things with my mind.. that you wouldn't think possible."

"If you go then none of you will see him."

"We'll be fine."

I look at Lydia.

"Fine.. but something happens to them.. I'm coming for your head."

I flash my eyes as he steps back. I turn back towards Kira and Scott.

"Valack's cell is the last one at the end of the hall."

I lean against the wall, sliding down. I tap my fingers on my knees. Kira and Scott talk as I listen.

"Do you hate me?"

I look up at Scott.


"I heard you talking to Stiles outside.. do you hate me for what I've done?"

"Rory, I could never hate you."

"But you do.. because I've killed people." I say. "And for wanting to erase myself from your lives.."

He shakes his head like he doesn't.

"Not everyone can be pure, Scott. When I killed Agatha, if I didn't she was going to kill me and take my power to wreak havoc on this planet."

"You still killed them.."

"I can't save evil. And that's what they were. You need to understand sometimes it is necessary. If I would've let her or any of them go, they would've came back harder. I just want you to understand that I didn't have a choice."

He doesn't say anything. I look down, closing my eyes.

"You lost Lainey and turned into someone I don't know."

My head shoots up. That's a low blow. Even for him.

"You say it like it's a fucking burden to you. Sorry that I lost my best friend."


"No.. I want you to know how I fucking felt!" I yell. "I lost my best friend, Scott! My other half!"

"We lost her too!"

"Not like I did!" I snap. "I physically felt her die. I wasn't here and Allison died! And I hate myself for it.. you don't need to hate me."

"You know what.. I do! You killed people and act like it's okay!"

"I didn't have a choice!"


"I'm not you! The White Witch is not meant to be pure. You need to realize at some point you're going to be put into that situation and you're going to realize I'm right."

"You should go be with the Avengers now. We don't need you."

"Scott, don't do this.."

Kira puts her hand on Scott's arm.

"No, Kira, we can do this alone. I mean she's going to leave soon anyway. Might as well speed up the process."

"Is that how you really feel?"

"You'll forget all about us."

A knife to the heart is what it feels like. No other way to describe it.


I throw a portal and walk through it.

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