47| Aurora?

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One Week Later

I walk into the Sanctum Sanctorum. It's been a long time since I've been here. The last time I was here was with Wanda. At least that time was a happy visit, or more so just a casual visit. This time is far from. 

I've spent the past week being able to reflect with no outside distractions. And I've decided to stay away from Beacon Hills for a while. I've selfishly decided to do something I've never even thought of before. 

"To what do I owe this glorious pleasure, Ms. Martin?"

"Let's cut the formalities, Strange."

"I heard about your friend.. I'm sorry, Aurora."

I force a smile. 

"That's kinda why I'm here."

He looks at me confused. I explain what I want him to do. He immediately shakes his head. 

"No. Absolutely not, Aurora. The spell is dangerous and you know that."

"I can't live without her. Them forgetting me is what's best for all of us."

"For them? Or for you?"

"Now is not the time to be rational."

"Aurora, you know I can't do this."

"But you will.."

He slowly nods. I follow him down to the basement. He grabs his books of spells and starts to do it. I look around as everything changes. The walls are now gone, replaced with pieces of time and space. 

"Wait! I need my mom to remember me."


He's trying to concentrate but I should've made it clear I want my mom at the very least to remember me. He holds up a glowing string, throwing it up as it forms a circle around us. 

"And Lydia!"


"Okay.. okay.. sorry."

He tries to finish the spell but I can tell it's becoming harder for him. I turn around as Clea appears. 

"Stephen, no!"

He loses control of the spell. I close my eyes as the lights burns my eyes. My body feels like it's being torn around and put together. 

I fall on the ground, grabbing my side. I sit up, looking around. I'm in Beacon Hills again. 

"Strange!" I yell. "For being Sorcerer Supreme, you fucking suck!"

I stand up, dusting all the dirt off my body. Something feels wrong. I just don't know why. Everything looks normal. I throw a portal and walk through it. 

I walk towards my house when an energy blast sends me feet away. I get up and see Lydia with Scott beside her. She's never been able to throw an energy blast before so this is something new. 

"What the hell, Lyd!"

She holds up both her hands that have red energy blasts in the center. 



"You're supposed to be dead."

I stand up, holding my hands up in defense. What in the actual hell is going on? I'm not dead. Clearly because I'm right fucking here. 

"She's not our Aurora."

I look at Lydia. 

"What are you talking about?"

"I watched my sister die.. you look like her but you are not her. Why are you here!"

"What the fuck is going on!" I yell. "Strange was doing a spell and-"

"Stephen Strange died five years ago."

She throws an energy blast that I deflect. She looks shocked. The gears start turning in my mind. It can't be possible. 

"Where's Lainey?" I ask. "Is she alive?"

They look at each other, not knowing if they should respond. 

"My sister died saving Lainey."

I let out a shaky breath. I smile because I saved her. 

"I'm.. I'm from another universe where I didn't save her.." I say. "I'm not the Aurora you knew but.."

"Oh my God.. you're the White Witch."

Lydia puts her hands down. 

"And in my universe my Lydia is the Wailing Woman."

"I'm sorry.. another universe?"

She ignores Scott. She walks towards me. She stares at me for longer than I'd like. She looks almost identical to my Lydia. Same with Scott. 

"You look just like my Aurora.." tears fill her eyes. "The day she died haunts my dreams."

"What happened?"

"A dozen witches came here looking for her.. they went after Lainey because they knew that's what she treasured the most. She fought them all valiantly. She used her last bit of energy to wail. That is what ended up killing her.."

She wipes a tear. 

"She knew she was going to die but she didn't care as long as Lainey lived."


I look behind her at someone I don't recognize. A boy starts running towards me but Scott holds him back. He whispers something to him. 

"What?" He says. "Scott, that's Rory."

"That's not our Rory."

I look more at him and realize he's a werewolf. 

"What is going on?"

Lydia turns around. 

"She's from a different universe, Theo, she is not our Aurora."

Theo? Who the hell is this? Suddenly my mom, or this universes version of my mom levitates to the ground. The magic radiating off of her is immense. 

"Welcome to Earth-616, Aurora." She smiles. "We weren't expecting you."

"I fucked up."

"Let's help you get back home."

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