18| Each day that passes I see my mother in you

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It's taken everything in my being to not full on yell at my mom for lying to me. I know she did it to protect me but I feel betrayed.

And here we are at Baxter Building acting like a perfect mother and daughter. When I told her Wanda died she walked away not saying a word. I told her about the funeral and she bought tickets for flights to New York.

Lydia stayed at home for obvious reasons. My mom's been normal up until an hour ago when we started getting ready. She's been perfectly pleasant with Reed and Sue.

A knock on my door causes me to turn around. I flick my hand and it swings open. My mom stares at me blankly. I don't use my powers at home but here is my safe space.

I turn back to my reflection in the mirror flattening my dress. Sue had went out and bought one for me yesterday before we came.

"You look beautiful, sweetie."

"You lied to me."

She's sad. She sits on the edge of my bed, looking at the floor.

"Are you not going to say anything?"

I turn around to her.

"I made mistakes, Aurora. I wanted to protect you." She says. "You know I'm the only Maximoff in almost a hundred years that didn't get magic?"

She looks up. Tears fill her eyes. She grieves for her mother and for Wanda. I should feel sympathetic.

"That's how my mother knew.. and then I met your father. She warned me about children I will have. I didn't listen. I noticed only you had powers and I wanted to protect you."

"I know your first instinct as a parent is to protect me.. but I am not a normal child, Mom." I say. "I'm a superhero in the making. You couldn't change that fact even if you wanted to." 

She forces a smile, wiping a lone tear that escaped her eye. 

"The woman who killed Wanda attacked me."

She gets up and walks towards me.

"Sweetie, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I had it handled. I killed her the moment she told me what she did." 

She looks at me with shock. I never thought I'd kill someone. I don't regret it though. Even after the high of the fight died down. 

"I was given this power for a reason. I can't sit back and let bad things happen to people when I know I have the power to stop it." I say. "I am meant to be a hero."

"I love you so much, Aurora." She says. "Each day that passes I see my mother in you."

She grabs my head, giving me a genuine smile. I've been too hard on her. She only has me and Lydia. Her family is gone. 

"I love you, Mom."

She pulls me into a hug. I think this is the most honest conversation we've ever had. I think I've finally gotten through to her. I've always been meant for great things. And it's only the start. 

"You ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

We walk out of my room together. I smile, hearing a familiar voice. I run towards Johnny, who I haven't seen in almost a year. I throw my arms around him. 

"You're getting big, kiddo."

"I'm sixteen. Not a kid anymore."

"You'll always be a kid to me."

"We all ready?"

Reed walks out in a custom made Tom Ford suit that Sue's been begging him to wear. He looks at me. 



I look at my mom. She slowly nods her head. 

"Umm.. where am I making a portal to?"

"Avengers Compound."

I throw a portal. Sue claps her hands, giving my shoulders a quick squeeze. We walk through one by one. I'm the last to walk through it. I see Reed and Sue talking to Thor. 

"I haven't seen you in a long time."

I turn around to Clea. She's cut her hair since I've seen her last. It used be long, going down to her butt but now it sits on her shoulders. 

"I'm sorry for your loss, Aurora."

"Thank you."

"How's California?"

"It's great."

She looks behind me, putting her hand on my arm. 

"I hope to talk to you later."

She leaves to talk to another sorcerer. I walk to my mom, grabbing her hand. We walk to our seats. I'm sat in between Sue and my mom. 

Everyone else finds their seats and my heart is racing. I keep my hand in my moms as Steve walks up to the podium. 

"We're all gathered here in mourning of our beloved Avenger, Wanda Maximoff." Steve says. "I've known her a long time, she's become a close friend of mine but I think there's someone here who deserves to say some words."

The crowd murmurs as he looks around. We lock eyes.

"Aurora, would you please come up?"

I feel a handful of eyes on me. I look at my mom for approval.


She rubs my hand before letting it go. I slowly stand up, all eyes are now on me. I walk to the podium, rubbing my sweating hands on my dress.

Steve pulls me in for a hug when I get onto the stage. He lets me go as I turn to the microphone. I look at the crowd.

Reporters had been banned along with cameras. There's a barrier made by Strange outside to keep them out. The only people in here are people who knew her and hero's around the world. I could name almost every single one of them.

"Umm.. many of you probably know who I am but there are some who don't. My name is Aurora.." I look at my mom who nods. "And Wanda was my aunt. I have only found this out recently but she's been apart of my life for almost all of it."

A few gasps are heard. I ignore them.

"The woman who killed her was known as Arcanna Jones. A threat that I've eliminated. Wanda died with honor.. defending my honor and that is something I will never be able to repay."

I wipe the tears I don't realize are falling down my face.

"You're the White Witch.."

Everyone turns to a woman sitting in the back row. She looks oddly familiar. Everyone turns back to me. 

I know by admitting to it very well may be a mistake but it may not. I might find allies in the people in front of me. 

"I am.. I am the White Witch that's been prophesied for billions of years.." I say. "And I hope that down the line I can call you all allies."

"We stand with the White Witch!"

People throughout the crowd start standing. I can tell they're all magic users.

"We're all protectors of the White Witch, tasked with protecting the Aries Twins."

"This isn't about me." I say. "It's about Wanda and her legacy that I will never live up to. The world lost an Avenger but I lost my mentor.. I.."

I look up at the very back and see her. She's smiling. Beside her is my grandmother. 

"It's happening."

Their words come in a hiss. I grab my head in pain as their voices echo. 

"The Aries Twins."

"It's happening."

"The prophecy is in act."

"Get out!" I scream. 

I see everyone put their hands over their ears, immediately stopping and catching my breath. My mom and Sue rush up to the podium when I see blood coming from Sue's ears. 

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