11| It's happening

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I finish my make up which is really some mascara and blush. I brush out my curls as my mom walk ins.  

"Oh, sweetheart, you look beautiful." She sits on my bed behind me. "I am surprised you are going with Stiles."

"Why is everyone surprised?"

"I guess I'm not too surprised."

I turn around.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, c'mon, anyone with eyes could see you were madly in love with that boy from the moment you met. And it's pretty obvious he feels the same way."

I stand up and walk towards my closet.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

I know exactly what she's talking about. It's painfully obvious my feelings are reciprocated. 

"The eyes don't lie."

I've been this heartless walking void the past six years. The only people I allowed myself to care about was Lydia and Lainey. I didn't have it in my heart to love anyone else.

Burying my feelings for Stiles was the only right thing to do. I was fine with everything until we had sex. Ever since then my feelings have intensified. 

A honk from outside takes me out of my own head. I grab the box of shoes that have gone untouched since I bought them. 

"Can you let Stiles know I'll be down in a couple of minutes?"

"Of course."

I grab the box and go back to my bed. I sit on the edge, putting both of them on. I clip them, hearing my mom talking to Stiles. 

"Stiles is still waiting!"

"Okay, hold on!" I yell. "Jesus.."

I stand up, straightening out my dress. I walk down the stairs and Stiles looks at me like I'm the only person in the room. It makes my skin heat up. 

"I need a picture!"

Stiles puts his hand on my lower back. I tense up at the touch but only for a second. A few flashes later she lets us leave.

He opens the passenger door for me as I hop in. I don't talk much on the drive to the school where the dance is being held. The note keeps creeping up in my head.

"What's wrong?"

"It's uh.. it's nothing."

"It's something."

I look at him and give in.

"I saw my dead grandmother, Stiles. A-and I've never been able to talk to the dead. I don't know what's going on with me. I found a note that I apparently wrote in a house I haven't been to in years. Something is going on with me and I don't know what it is." I say. "And now Wanda's dead."

He grabs my hand.

"You've got me to help you."

Fuck me. I'm down bad and I can't do anything about it. 

"I know."

I pull my hand away, getting ready to open the door. Stiles hops out, running around to my side to open the door. I hop out, looking around when I see Lainey walking towards us with someone. 

"Is that Isaac Lahey?"

"It looks like it." Stiles says through his teeth. 

"Relax.." I lean my head against his arm. "She looks so pretty and then.. he's there."

Hits Different | S. StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now