12| You got a deal, Argent

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The weekend has been rough. At home and just in general. It's the first time in months that my dad has actually talked to me. I didn't really engage in it because I don't really care. 

Lainey and Allison both spent the night. I loved that they didn't want me to be alone but deep down I was wishing it was Stiles who came over first. 

I don't really know what we are. We haven't had time to actually talk about it and it's making me anxious. I'm more worried about Lydia and what the fuck is happening. 

First it was my dead grandmother talking about the Aries Twins, then it was the note in my handwriting of the two words and lastly Peter saying the rise of the Aries Twins is happening. 

I don't know what it means. But it has something to do with Lydia and I. It has to be. We're twins and Aries. I may just be going crazy but something has been off since the night of the formal. I can't pinpoint what is going on with Lydia but she's changing. 

"How'd you know?"

I stare at Chris Argent from across their kitchen island. I'm at Allison's to pick her up to visit Lydia. Lainey is supposed to be meeting us there with Stiles and Scott. 

"Call it an educated guess."

He's lying. 

"You know I can tell when someone is lying to me." I smile. "Call it one of my witchy powers."

We stare each other down. He blinks first and I smile. I win. 

"And you're okay with us being friends?"

"You're someone to protect her." He says. "And maybe we could help each other out."

"No offense, Argent, but umm.. how exactly would you help me out? I'm the most powerful witch on the planet."

"I can help you figure out what happened to your grandmother."

"Derek already told me that he knows."

"He doesn't know what really happened.. only what his mother told him."

"And I should trust you over him?"

"I won't kill you."

I hold my hand out. Although I don't know if I should put my trust into Argent, something tells me he has a point. 

"You got a deal, Argent." He shakes my hand. "But you couldn't even if you tried."

He smiles for the first time, letting out a laugh. 

"I'm ready."

We both turn our heads to Allison. I give Argent a quick thumbs out before walking out to my car with Allison. 

Allison and I walk into the hospital to see Lainey sitting on one of the chairs with Scott and Stiles on either side of her. 

"Melissa wouldn't let us see her."

Melissa appears as I hold up a bag of food. She lets out a sigh and smiles. 

"Thank you, sweetheart."

"How's, Lydia?"

"She's up but.."

"Do they still not know what happened?"

She shakes her head. I mean I don't even really know what happened besides knowing it was Peter behind it. 

"Can we see her?"

"She's taking a shower right now. You girls just wait in the lobby and I'll come get you?"

We both nod before walking away. Lainey gets up, following us to the main lobby. I hold my hands in my lap. 

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