20| Sometimes things are worth the risk

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I walk into school, instantly being bombarded by Stiles. He holds up a piece of paper. 

"So, I've been doing research on the Darkhold."

"Stiles, you didn't have to."

"I know but I found a very grainy picture of what is looks like."


I snatch the paper from his hand. 

"How the hell did you find this?"

"Uhhhh.. dark web."

The picture is barely even visible. It's more than grainy. It's barely even a picture. I appreciate the gesture though. 

I haven't even really tried looking for it. It's hard when I don't really know what I'm looking for. There's also a reason witches can't find it with their magic. It's the darkest of magic and something I probably shouldn't look for. 

"If I go down this path, Stiles.. it might not end well. The Darkhold can corrupt the purest of witches. It's a path that I might not be able to come back from."

"Sometimes things are worth the risk."

He grabs my hand. 

"You deserve to know the truth." He says. "I'll help you with it every step of the way."

"Help with what?"

Scott appears out of nowhere. I crumple up the paper, turning it to dust. 


He looks in between Stiles and I. I smile, patting his chest. 

"Don't worry about it, Scotty."

I walk away and head to class. The day goes by fast as I walk to meet Allison outside when Stiles nearly runs me over.

"Jesus, Stiles!" He puts his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath. "Are you okay?"

"Allison. Scott. Bestiary."

"Like a book of mythical creatures?"

"Finally someone who understands!"

"A lot of family of hunters have one. Especially one as ancient as the Argents have to have one."

"So.. basically we need to get into his office to get the bestiary."

"Okay, let's go."

"Are you insane?"

"Kinda. Come on.. I'm bored."

He takes a whiff of his inhaler.

"We need to be careful."

I roll my eyes.

"Fine.. you should probably get ready for the game. I'll find Allison."

We go our separate ways. I walk down the hall to be met with Allison and Gerard. I fake a smile at him. I don't like him nor do I trust him. I made that very clear to Argent. 

"You remember Aurora, right?"

"Of course." He says. "The witch."

Allison looks uncomfortable. 

"The witch that can kill you in less than a second." I smile. "I'll see you at the game? I just have to grab something from my locker."


I turn around and go the opposite direction as them. I pretend to go to my locker, rummaging through it before closing it. I wait about twenty minutes before going out to the field. 

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