50| Do you wanna talk about it?

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I stare at the ceiling of my room for what feels like an eternity. I ate something from the kitchen this morning and ever since coming back I've been in the same spot. I haven't moved or even thought about it.

I missed so much when I was on the other universe. I think Lydia understood most out of everyone. She gets me. She knew how much it hurt. Stiles and Scott are a whole another ordeal. Both aren't talking to me and I get it.

I disappeared. I wasn't expecting to be gone for so long. I've accepted I can't save everyone. I think I've finally realized it's impossible. I just thought I could save Allison.

"You look lonely."

I move for the first time in hours to look at my door. Kira is standing in the doorway with a bag of food. She's smiling like she normally does.

"You also look hungry."

I sit up and nod. I didn't eat much earlier.

"Lydia said you haven't really been eating."

"Talking about me behind my back?"


She walks over to my bed, sitting down opposite to me. She hands me the bag of food. I start eating as she talks about her day.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

I don't need any kind of elaboration to know what she's referring to. I haven't talked to anyone really about what happened on the other universe because I feel guilty. I should've been here. I know it. They all know it.

"Not really."

She shifts in place.

"I don't blame you, Rory."

"You should."

"Nope. It's not your fault. So, get up and stop moping."

She stands up and puts her hands on her hips.

"Love you, Ki."

"I didn't know Allison as well as you did.. or any of you but I do know how much she meant to you."

I look down at my hands. I never thought I would lose Lainey, and then I did. I thought that would be the only heartbreak I'd endure. I was wrong.

"You didn't kill her."

"The thing about being half Banshee is that I see your death when it's close to happening.. I made the mistake of taking too long to try and save Lainey. And then I was too late for Allison."

She stays quiet.

"I.. I'm trying so hard not to turn off my emotions.. because I know if I do.. I'll lose control."

"You've got me now." She smiles. "We're in this together, Rory."

I smile, wanting to believe her. But in the pit of my stomach I can't fathom losing another person in my life.

"Let's get you some fresh air."

I follow her out of my room and out the front door. I follow her out to her car when I see Scott walking up the driveway.

"Scott, I told you I would-"

"I just need to say it."

I cross my arms. Scott hasn't talked to me since I've been back. I know Kira and Lydia have tried explaining to him but he doesn't listen.

"If you wanna blame me.. then blame me."

"You weren't here! You left.. and now Allison is dead."

"You don't understand-"

"You should've been here! Helping us! But you were being a coward, Rory."

"I lost Allison too!" I yell. "You don't think I know that! I fucked up and made a mistake."

He shakes his head.

"You couldn't take Lainey's death.. and you just wanted us to forget you?"

He doesn't understand. He wouldn't. He doesn't get my pain.

"Imagine losing Stiles.. and then imagine feeling him die. A literal piece of me died with her. And on top of that I had to feel Noah and Stiles pain. They couldn't bare it so I had to."

He didn't know that. I can tell by the look on his face.

"You want to blame me then blame me!" I yell. "Blame me for it! It just proves you need me to win."

I walk around them and go back in the house. I stop in place when I see a boy standing in the kitchen with Lydia. They both stop talking and look at me.

"Who the hell are you?"

He looks at me like I'm a ghost.

"Umm.." he walks towards me and holds his hand out. "Billy Maximoff."


He quickly glances behind himself at Lydia.

"I'm not from this world.."

"You created an opening in the multiverse, Rory." Lydia says. "A combination of the spell used by Stephen and the Maximoff witches using that spell created a rift."

"A rift?" I ask. "Meaning what?"

"People who know you from across the multiverse were pulled here."

My throat starts closing in. I already felt shitty because of Allison's death and now I've fucked with the multiverse.

"Emma Frost of my universe is here.. and she's out for blood."


"You took everything from her where I come from." Billy says. "You killed her family after she killed Lydia and Lainey."

I clench my fists.

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