37| You are truly the White Witch..

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I head to class after a very long and sleepless night. I zone out most of my classes. I find myself staring at Ms. Blake getting an odd feeling from her. I tilt my head when the fire alarm interrupts my thinking.

I get up and follow the rest of the students out of the room. I turn my head and see Aiden walking out of Coach's office then Cora walking in right after. I walk in, glaring at Cora with her hand around Lydia's arm.

"Let go of my sister, Cora."

She turns and looks at me.

"Of course.. the girl who my brother cares about for some reason even though you want him dead."

"Watch it.."

"Or what?"

I set my bag down just as Stiles steps in front of me.


He picks my bag up, handing it to me. I glare at Cora while following Stiles and Lydia to the chemistry room.

Stiles grabs a ouija board and sets it in front of Lydia. He then goes on a rant about Deaton being taken and quite possibly being the third sacrifice of the healers.

He thinks Lydia will be able to find him with her Banshee powers even though she doesn't know who to use them. But frankly neither do I.

"So, do we all do this?"

"Uhh.. yeah, yeah."

Everyone puts their fingers on this little board. Stiles looks at me as I reluctantly do the same. This is ridiculous. I should just do a tracking spell on him. But my mind has been in other places.

"Where's Dr. Deaton?"

Nothing happens. Not like I was expecting anything to. If neither of us know how to actually use the powers then what use are we? Lydia's been finding the bodies of the sacrifices and it's something I've never been able to do. But my grandmother did say she is a more powerful Banshee.

"Are you gonna answer?"

"Who? Me? I don't know the answer. I thought we were asking some sort of spirit."

I roll my eyes, backing away. Stiles continues to try to get Lydia to do whatever she does. I cross my arms and think about who the druid is.

"Rory? Hello? Earth to Rory."

I look at Stiles.


"We're going to the hospital."

"Oh? Okay."

I get into my car meeting Stiles at the hospital. We walk into the hospital, sneaking into Danny's room. He's fast asleep. Stiles tries waking him up by lightly smacking his face.

"Wake him up."

"I don't think that's a good idea.."



He exhales loudly before looking at Danny's backpack. He starts rummaging through it.

"What are you doing?"

We both look at Danny.

"Nothing. You're just dreaming right now."

"Why are you going through my stuff?"

Stiles takes out a packet from a project. He hands me the paper and we bolt out of there. I read through the report.

"He was doing a side project for Harris?"

Stiles calls Scott to give him an update. We go to the animal clinic to meet Scott. I stay outside to call Lainey. The call goes straight to voicemail.

"You've reached Lainey. Please leave a voicemail."

I hang up the call when Stiles runs out of the clinic.

"You need to get to the loft." He says. "They're gonna kill Derek."

I look at him in the way that I do not give a fuck.



I throw a portal and walk through it. I walk up the stairs that lead up to Derek's loft. I stop, feeling like my heart has just been pulled out of my chest.


I fall to my knees at the sheer impact of my scream. I get up and run up the stairs. I walk past Isaac holding Ms. Blake on the ground.

I take one look at Lainey's body on the ground and my ears start ringing. I fall to my knees again.

I grab my chest. I throw my arms out, letting out a blood curling wail. I've never felt so powerful before in my life. My body feels like it's changing.

Everything turns white and I can't see anything. I blink and I'm staring at my grandmother.

"W-where am I?"

"You are truly the White Witch.. now the Aries Twins are complete."

"But Lainey.."

"A sacrifice that was needed for you to become what you need."

I look at her in disgust.

"Sacrifice?" I ask. "She is my best friend!"

"She was."

I grab my chest. It becomes hard to breath. She's dead. She's really dead. And I failed.

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