39| So it's my fault?

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"So.. uhh.. how are you feeling?"

I glance at Isaac in the drivers seat. It's my first day back from New York. I needed time away. I made the excuse I needed a breather, which is partially true.

I spent the days in my room in Baxter Building reading the Darkhold. I was hoping to find a spell that would bring her back.

I stopped when I realized what was happening. I was slowly letting it corrupt me. I look at the tips of my fingers. The very top are blackened.

To any normal eye it cannot be seen but to any magic user it can be. Thankfully nobody here can. The more I read it the more I want to keep going. I want to find a way to bring her back. I'd be tapping into the darkest of magic and somehow I'm okay with that.



"We're here."

I look at the backside of Allison's building. She wasn't at school today and Scott got worried. I volunteered to come here because I didn't want to be there. Isaac said he'd come with me.

Any other time I would've told him to fuck off. But Lainey loved him and I know he loved her. It's time to put my dislike for him aside.

"You didn't answer my question.

"I'm.. I don't know." I say. "How are you?"

"Other than losing the girl I love? Fine."

I go to open the door but he locks them. I look over at him.

"I'm really not in the mood for a therapy session, Lahey."

"I'm sorry about what I said during the cross country meet."

"Are you saying you're sorry because Lainey would've wanted you to or because you're actually sorry."


I slowly nod. I don't really know what to say. It's okay? It's not. Wanda's death will stick with me because it was my fault. Having it pointed out time and time again makes it so much worse.

"We should.. check on Allison."


We both get out of the car and look at the building. I throw a portal as we both walk through it and end up in her room. Allison turns around while throwing a dagger. I hold my hand out, freezing it in the air.

"Rory, you're back?" She asks. "You scared the hell out of me."


I drop the dagger to the ground.

"Did Scott send you?"

"No.." She looks at me, not believing me. "Okay, fine. Kinda. I was worried about you."

Allison looks at us before grabbing her dagger.

"Wanna tell us why you weren't at school?"

"I think my dad's the killer."

"I'm sorry what?"

Isaac took the words right out of my mouth.

"I find it really hard to believe your dad is out here sacrificing people." Allison walks out of her room as we follow. "Also a druid is technically like a magic user, and I think I'd know if your dad was a dark druid."

"Just.. look."

She grabs a UV light and holds it over a map on her dad's desk. Marks appear all over it.

"See the marks? There are five more bodies to be found but it doesn't say who the bodies are."

Isaac backs up.

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