51| We're not alone down here

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"Just focus.. and breath." I say. "You've got the magic, now you just need to believe you can do it."

Lydia takes a long, deep breath before closing her eyes. She holds the book in her hand. I glance at Billy who offered his fair share of support a couple minutes ago.



"He's in Mexico?"

"Where? I know there's the Calavera's down there.."

Her face twitches.

"No.. he's in a church." Her eyes open. "I know where he is."

I enter her mind before throwing a portal. We all look around the creepy and destroyed town.

"I don't like this."

"What do you like?"

"This looks like the beginning of a horror film."

"Lighten up, Billy." I nudge him. "We're three powerful beings. We won't die."

Having Billy at the house has made Lydia really start to explore her magic. He's an overall better teacher than I am. He's gotten her to do minor spells with little to no effort.

I think out of any of us, my mom likes having him around the most. She knows eventually I'll have to send him back to his universe but for now she's happy to have a piece of Wanda around. Even if it isn't her Wanda's son.

"Can we hurry up?"



I try not to laugh as we all walk towards the church which is the only thing standing. The suns already down here, making it creepier than it already is. The closer we get to the church the more uneasy I feel.

"I'm going in first."

I move pieces of wood out of the way at the entrance. I can feel Derek here. I close my eyes and get a sense of which way I need to take.

We all start walking through the tunnels. I stop to turn to Lydia, who's directly behind me. I can feel another presence here besides her and Billy.

"What's wrong?"

"I can sense something down here."

"Something? Like not a person?"

Billy's still new to the whole supernatural world here. Where he's from there aren't these different types of creatures.

"Is this really a good idea?"

"You scared?"

The longer we're in here, the creepier it gets. I don't know what's in here with us but I know I want to get the hell out as soon as possible.

I look over my shoulder to see Billy staring at the path behind us. I can tell he's uneasy.


"I just.. I felt like something was behind us."

We continue for a few seconds when I hear running. I push Lydia and Billy behind me.

I twist my hand, throwing an energy blast at whatever's coming at us. I only see it for a split second.

"What is that!"

"Doesn't matter. We need to get the hell out of here."

Lydia points out markings on a wall. I walk past her to get a closer look at it. I put my hand on the wall.

"Derek's on the other side of this."

"I got this."

Billy throws a blue energy blast at the wall. He starts pulling pieces from the wall. He gets a good opening, looking in.

"That's Derek? I thought he was older?"

I look at him confused. I look inside the wall and see a much younger Derek.

"Holy shit."

"Rory?" We all turn around to Scott and Braeden. "Lydia?"

"How did you know he was here?"

"Location spell."

Billy grabs Derek as I help him.

"We're not alone down here. Go. We'll meet you outside."

The two leave with Lydia. Billy and I walk with Derek around our shoulders.

"They didn't know we were looking for him too?"


"Did you not tell them?"



We walk outside when I notice Stiles Jeep. We still haven't talked. At least Scott and I somewhat made up. There's still that awkwardness in the air but at least we're not yelling at each other.

He runs towards us with Malia by his side. I hand Derek off to Scott. I don't blame him for moving on.

"He's your responsibility now."


"What, Scott?"

"Are you still doing this?"

I throw a portal.

"I did my part."

Billy walks with me through the portal.

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