8| Finally arresting me?

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I missed out on all the fun at the school. Stiles and Scott are insisting that Derek is dead but I don't buy it. I'd know if he is.

If they had actually let me know about the plan to get the Alpha there I could've helped but nope they decided to do it all alone. Granted it was more Scott's idea than Derek's. I'm sure if it was Derek he would've told me.

My location spell on the Alpha still comes up a miss because I don't know who it is. I thought maybe if I kept trying it would work. Not.

I get out of my car, walking towards the front door, turning around when I hear another car pull in.

I smile, walking towards the sheriffs car. Noah gets out with a piece of paper in hand.

"Finally arresting me?"

"Hopefully never, jelly bean." He looks almost sad? "I actually have something for you that isn't a warrant."

He hands me an envelope. I turn it over to see my name written in neat handwriting. It's Claudia's. I quickly look up and see his eyes are now glassy.

"This is Claudia's handwriting."

"Yeah.. she had written you a letter before she passed. I gave Stiles and Lainey theirs but um.. for some reason I held onto yours."

Claudia died six years ago. I remember when it happened. Lainey insisted on me coming with her to see her. She looked better than most days but I could feel her sickness. I could feel her dying even with how young I was.

She was like a second mother to me, besides Sue of course. I spent a lot of days over at the Stilinski's house before she got sick. She didn't want any of us to see her in the hospital but Noah knew she was dying.

"Why didn't you give this to me?"

"She cried writing it. I never read it because it wasn't my place. You deserved to read it years ago. I'm sorry, Aurora."

I know he means it because he rarely calls me by my real name. He usually uses my nickname he gave me as a kid.

"Umm.. thanks?"

My hands start shaking.

"I gotta get back to the station. Be safe and make good decisions."

"You said make bad decisions?"

"You heard me correctly."

I watch him pull out of the driveway before looking back at the envelope in my hand. I walk into the house, going straight to my room.

I sit at my vanity, putting the envelope on it. I stare at it for a solid fifteen minutes before gathering the courage to tear it open. And then another ten minutes to take it out and unfold it.

I slowly read it, taking in everything she wrote because it's a lot. She wrote a while page and a half. I stop to close my eyes and take deep breaths. Claudia was the first death close to my family I've ever encountered.

And when she did die everything changed. It's what showed me that not everyone can be saved. That sometimes things happen for a reason no matter how much they hurt.

I grab the paper again, turning it over to read the rest of it.

I wish I could've lived to see the day you walk down that long aisle to marry my son. You love to deny it but I know the two of you will get married one day. And the day you finally admit that I will be at peace.

I left both my children with something to remind them of me, and I will do the same to you. Remember that old necklace I wore that you used to love? I saved it for you. You just need to find it.

I'll give you one hint and I'm sure you'll have no issue finding it. The stars.

I love you my sweet jelly bean.

I wipe the tears streaming down my face. I drop the paper on my vanity. I'm so mad at Noah for holding this out on me.

She even knew that he'd wait to give it to me. She said it herself in the beginning of the letter. But to know that she even thought of me in her dying days is haunting.

I collect myself enough to leave my room without my mom asking about my puffy eyes. I drive to Stilinski house. I walk in per usual, walking to Stiles room. This time I knock.

"You weren't the Martin I was expecting."

"You're telling me you were expecting Lydia?"

Tread lightly, Stilinski.

"No.." he says. "I-I was just repeating what you said.. what's wrong?"

"You have it, don't you?"

"Have what?"

"The necklace."

He nods. I watch him walk to his closet, digging around. He pulls out a wooden box. His hands start shaking.

"She told me that you'd be coming for it.. I honestly didn't think you would."

"Your dad just gave me my letter today." I say. "She gave me a hint as to where it was."

He opens the box, pulling out the necklace I used to love. Claudia was never seen without it around her neck.

"Turn around."

I do as he says. He moves my hair to the side. He puts the necklace on me. It's such an innocent move but so sensual in the same sense. Only I could find him attractive in this way. If anyone else were to do it I would vomit.

I slowly turn around. I want to lean in and kiss him. It's taken me a week to fully process what Reed and Sue told me. Pushing Stiles away isn't going to make me any stronger. And I think I've finally realized that.

My life has been complete with him and Scott in my life again. It was always supposed to be this way. I was never meant to push them away.

"You look so-" I grab my stomach in pain. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I.. don't know. I gotta go, Stiles."

I walk out of his room without giving him a chance to respond. I lift my shirt up and see a thin line of blood.

"Fuck me."

I burst into Lainey's room to see her immediately hang up the phone.

"Rory, what's going on?"


I point to the blood dripping down my stomach.

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