7| Am I interrupting something?

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"So.. you and Scotty."

Allison's cheeks instantly turn red. 

"Stop patronizing her, Rory."

"I'm just asking." I look back at Allison. "What exactly do you see in him? Just asking for a friend."

She shrugs with a huge smile. 

"Mhmm.. I see."

"I've never really seen you with a boy in school or out."

"I don't let any man tie me down unless it's in bed." I wink. "But seriously there's really nobody at school that interests me."

A damn lie.

"I've seen almost every guy at school ogle you. None of them interest you?"

"Absolutely none."

Only one. 

"You should be asking Lainey.. she never seems to know when someone is flirting with her."

It's a very accurate statement. I love Lainey with everything in my heart but the girl does not know when someone is flirting with her or how to flirt. 

She's a beautiful girl with absolutely no game. I tried giving her pointers when Lydia and I threw a party at the beginning of the year. I almost tore my hair out watching her try and flirt with a boy from Devenford. 

He was very much interested in her and she crashed and burned. But the plus side of that is he actually ended up kissing her so maybe the whole shy girl thing works. Who knew. 

I watch Lainey and Allison laugh and talk. I want to join in but I don't. I haven't even told Lainey about seeing my dead grandmother. I feel dirty keeping it from her. I tell her everything. I'm not explicitly lying to her but it sure as hell feels like it. 

I leave Lainey's room to go to the bathroom. I walk down the hall and walk in. I close the door, leaning against it. I slide down until my ass is on the ground. 

I'm trying to act like I'm fine but I'm not. I don't feel like myself. The whole seeing my dead grandmother has been fucking with my head. I don't know how it happened or why. 

I don't even remember writing that note, let alone leaving it in that house. I feel like I'm going crazy. I've always had a grip on my powers since I was ten. And now I don't know what's happening. 

It's almost like a switch was turned on inside of me and it all started when Derek came and asked for my help. I don't get it and I want to. I want to understand what's happening but I just can't. 

The door knob turns before banging on the door. I stand up, swinging open the door. 

"Lain, I swear to God if you're-" Stiles stands on the other side of the door in his pajamas and a white shirt. "Sorry, Rory."

"I was done.. sorry."

I walk around him but he grabs my arm, pulling me back. 

"Are you okay?"


Ew. Why did I say that?

"You don't say 'peachy'." He's right about that. "What's wrong?"

Stiles makes me feel normal. The way he looks at me is so calming. It tears down all my defenses. 

"I guess I don't really know.."

He hand slides down my arm to mine. I hate how much I love his touch. I take a step forward when Lainey's door swings open. I jump away from Stiles as Allison appears. 

"Am I interrupting something?"

I shake my head. 

"Just two.. friends chatting."

She looks at me like she doesn't believe me. I walk back to Lainey's room, taking my spot from before on the floor. 

After hours of gossiping about everything and anything we all get ready for bed. I roll from side to side trying to fall asleep but I can't. I look over at Allison and Lainey who are both fast asleep. 

I grab my phone, getting up and walking out to the hallway. I sit on the floor with my back against the wall, scrolling through my contacts. I click on the one labeled 'Mother Storm' and hit the call button. I put my phone to my ear as it rings. 

"Aurora, it is three am here."

Sometimes I forget the time difference from here to New York. But I also knew that Sue would answer. 

"I just wanted to hear your voice."

"Oh, hun. What's wrong?"

"Sue, who the hell is that?" Reed sounds mad. "It's three in the morning, who is calling you at this hour?"

"It's Aurora."

"Oh." His voice completely changes. "My favorite child."

I hear a smack that is clearly Sue hitting his arm. 

"Stop joking about that."

I smile. I miss them. Technically speaking they are my God parents. My mom secretly had them named after she saw the connection I had with them. 

"What's wrong?"

I'm clearly on speaker now. 

"I feel like something is wrong with me."

"What do you mean?"

"Life. I don't know. I just feel like I'm not me."

"Is this about what Wanda said?"

Reed and Wanda have always bumped heads since my training days. While Wanda taught me defense, Reed taught me how to of on the offense because as he said in his words 'defense is not the best offense'. 

He called her tactics baseless and stupid which coming from the smartest man alive seems like I should listen. If it wasn't for Sue I'm sure Reed would've already put an end to Wanda's mentorship over me. 

"This is about Stiles, isn't it?"


"You listen to me, Aurora. I don't give a fuck what speech Wanda gave you about pushing away people you love." Reed says. "Having people you love in your life makes you stronger, it does not make you weak."

"Look at us.. been together for twenty years and our love has never been stronger. He pushes me to be better. There are ups and downs but having him beside me through all of this makes it so much better."

"I think I'm going crazy."

"Because of Stiles?"

"No.. okay, maybe a little bit but not because of that." I say. "I wrote a note that I don't remember writing."

"Maybe you're just not getting enough sleep."

Sue is partially right. I've been sleeping super shitty. I don't know why. I've tried sleeping pills that don't actually work. I could take fifty and they'd do absolutely nothing to my body. 

"What aren't you telling us?"

"When did you become a telepath?"


I don't know if I should tell them about me seeing my grandmother. They obviously know about the whole seeing someone die before they die thing and they never really had an explanation for it. 

"I might need a visit to New York soon.. maybe that's just what I need."

"Your room is always waiting here, sweetie."

"I know."

"You need to get some sleep." Sue says. "We love you, Aurora."

"Love you too."

I look at my phone, hanging up. I lean my head against the wall and take deep breaths. 

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