22| He's not totally kicking Scott's ass though

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Stiles walks with me to my locker.

"How's the restraining order treating you?"

"Shut up."

I playfully smack his arm. I open my locker as he leans his head against the lockers, staring at me. 

"You look pretty."

"You tell me that everyday."

"Because you are."

Stiles gets pulled away as I close my locker. Lainey smiles, letting go of Stiles.

"You know I don't like that you're stronger than me now."

"Get over it."

I kiss Stiles on the cheek before walking around him.

"So, what'd you find?"

"Nada." I say. "I don't know how I'm supposed to find this stupid book."

"You can sense the dark magic though, right?"

"I have to really concentrate. Like I'd have to isolate myself and meditate all day type of thing. And even then it might not work."

Allison walks up to us, handing me a tablet. I stare at the words knowing it's not English. It's something I don't understand.

"What're we looking at?"

"Archaic Latin."


"I had Lydia translate it."

I'm not surprised that Lydia knows Archaic Latin. She used to read and write different languages for fun when we were younger.

"The kanima doesn't seek a friend, it seeks a master."

"Which means someone is controlling him." Lainey says. "That's eerie."


"That's kinda fucked up. Okay, if someone's controlling him wouldn't that mean the murders were targeted? They have to be linked somehow."

"You've been spending too much time with Stiles. I've gotta show Scott. Meet me outside the library in twenty?"

I look at Lainey.

"Do you think I'm spending too much time with Stiles?"


"Cool.. thanks."

We go to the bathroom. I glance at Lainey who's fixing her make up. She never really wore make up until recently. Well, until she became a werewolf.

We've gone back to our normal routine since we both apologized. Even though we're both kind of on opposing sides.

We walk to the library. Allison comes out a few minutes later and grabs our arms. We walk down the halls and go down to the locker rooms.

"What are we doing?"

"I'm going to talk to Jackson."


"I just need you two to stay back and if he does something-"

"Then I'll rip his head off."

Lainey smacks my arm.

"What?" I say. "Is that not what I'm supposed to do?"

Allison takes her heels off and walks around the corner following Jackson. We both lean against the wall listening to a conversation between her and Matt. He's weird. He makes it kind of known he's obsessed with Allison which is double weird.

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