2| I need your help

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I sit on the floor, staring at my open door. I flick my wrist as it shuts and locks. I lean my head against my bed. My eyes shut and my mind starts running a hundred miles an hour. 

"You need to admit what you've always known."

"Stop acting like you are normal, Aurora, you are powerful!"

"A path will need to be chosen, and you need to make sure the right one is taken."

"Get out of my head!"

I yell and the pictures hanging up on my walls fall to the ground in a loud bang. I stand up, holding my hand up. The picture frames levitate in the air, going back to their spots on the walls. 

Reed Richards is the father I never had. He's had more of an impact on my life than my real dad. Both him and Sue have become my sort of foster parents. I love my mom, I really do, but she doesn't get me in the way they do. She never will. 

While Sue is loving and reserved, Reed tells me how it is. He doesn't sugar coat anything. I've become their third child which means I don't get treated any differently than their real kids. 

I get to see them a few times a year. My mom doesn't like me using my magic so my portals are very rarely used, which makes an easier trip to New York than flying. 

Since last year at the start of my freshman year, Reed has made it very clear that I am not normal. He always has but it's been more than usual. 

My mom doesn't want me to become a super hero but Reed tells me it's my duty. Someone as powerful as me shouldn't sit in the shadows. I was given these powers for a reason. 

There's different kinds of magic in the world and different kinds of witches. There's green, blue, purple and red. Purple are dark magic users and probably the most dangerous. 

Each color has special uses. For instance a green witch is someone who has the ability to use the Earth's elements. 

But I'm different. I've always known it. I'm the White Witch talked about in the Darkhold. I have the ability to use every kind of magic in the universe.

It stems from a demon called Chthon who prophesied me. From demonic magic to Asgardian, nothing is off limits to me. It makes me feared and dangerous. 

My identity has been withheld from magic users across the world and universe. They all know the White Witch has been born but don't know who. 

And here I am, living my life as a regular teenager when I'm far from. I've lived a pretty good life so far, I can't complain. But I also feel guilty for hiding. 

Reed said it's for the better until I'm ready. As much as he tells me I should become a super hero he wants to protect me. It makes me wish he was my real father. 

My thoughts are interrupted by the handle wiggling. 

"Seriously?" Lydia says. "Open the door, Aurora."

I walk over to unlock it. She looks at what I'm wearing in disgust. 

"You're not wearing that, right?"

I roll my eyes. I'm wearing my sweatpants I usually use for painting and a shirt with a hole in the armpit. 

"Yes, Lydia, I am wearing this to our party." I snap. "What now?"

"I invited some boys from Devenford because you need to get laid."

Not this again. 

"Lyd, I told you I don't-"

"You've been super grouchy lately. I figured it's because you need to get laid."

I have been grouchy lately and it's not because I need sex. Trust me, if I wanted to have sex with someone I wouldn't have that hard of a time to find someone. 

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