15| She's only a teenager

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I take deep breaths as Stiles gives me the confidence that I can do this. I don't really know who I'm looking for which makes this so much harder.

"I thought you said you could use a location spell to find her."

"The location spell.. it isn't working."

Two women argue. One appears to be in her thirties at least and the other looks maybe in her twenties. I recognize the younger looking one. Amora. The Enchantress. I can practically smell the Asgardian magic.

"I knew we shouldn't have trusted you. You're just some old hag from the dark ages."

The older woman holds her hand up and throws a purple ball at the other.

"Do not mistake my agreeing to help for weakness! You are young, Amora. Childish.." she walks over and kneels beside her. She grabs her head and snaps it up. "I'm one of the most powerful sorcerers to ever grace this planet. You hear me?"

Amora says nothing. Amora isn't young by any means. She may look to be in her early twenties but she's actually a couple hundred years old.

"The White Witch's powers exceeds every magic user alive here and in every other universe. That magic inside her protects her from any kind of location spell, any kind of spell used against her for that matter.. you think you know everything because Agatha recruited you?"

"She recruited me because I'm strong."

"No. You're weak. Agatha had a slim list of people she could recruit. Want to know something she has yet to tell you?" She asks. "There are witches and sorcerers around the world.. some living in secret and some who protect this Earth. But that's not the secret. The White Witch is still a teenager. And they're all protecting her identity."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

She laughs.

"Witches.. sorcerers.. banshees... there are hundreds around the world who were picked as protectors of the White Witch. Those who are good and pure. Why do you think there is only three of us?"

She lets go of Amora's head and walks away.

"I can take them all."

"Do you really think you can take on Sorcerer Supreme Strange? His wife Clea? Just because Arcanna was able to kill Wanda Maximoff does not mean we stand a chance. And let's not forget your old beau Loki.. they will do anything to protect them."

"She's only a teenager."

"A teenager that can destroy our reality as we know it. She doesn't know the power she holds. She doesn't even know the prophecy about the Aries Twins."

"And how do you know that?"

"Because we'd all be dead." She says. "The power of the Aries Twins outmatches that of all the other Zodiac Twins. If we kill the White Witch then the Wailing Woman will lose her power and nobody will be able to stop us."

Amora opens her mouth to talk but she puts her finger to her lips to stop Amora from talking. She looks around before smiling.

"She's here.. curious little thing aren't ya." She pretends to dust off her suit. "Let me introduce myself. I'm Morgan le Fey."

"Who are you talking to?"

"Shh! I'm coming for you."

My eyes shoot open and I look in front of me at Stiles.

"Did it work?"


He puts his fist in the air.

"What did you see?"

"There's three of them. Agatha is the leader.. she has to be and Amora is there." I say. "I've never heard of Morgana le Fay? But Agatha is the girl I saw in my dream when I ended up in front of the Hale house."

"Is there anyone you can talk to about them?"

I mean I could talk to Reed but then he'd go all dad mode which I really do not want. I can handle this myself. I don't want other people to step in.

"I could talk to Strange but he's not really fond of me."

"What did you do?"

"I burned his cape.."

"That's not that bad."

When I say it out loud it doesn't sound bad but it is.

"The cape is kind of like a living magical item.. and I burned it permanently."

"Well.. that's amazing."

"We got this. We can do this alone."

He holds his hand out and I shake it. I love this new ground Stiles and I have found. But I also miss Lainey. I feel like she should be here with us.

"Have you umm.. talked to Lainey?"

"I tried but it ended up in a screaming match right before dad got home."

"How are you not mad?"

"I am.. I am I just.. Rory, we can't control her."

I laugh.

"He's gonna get her killed.." I whisper. "And I don't know if I can handle that."

A life without Lainey doesn't seem like a very fun one, or one I want to live. It sounds dramatic but it's true. 

Lainey has been my rock through everything and it almost feels wrong that she doesn't know about this. I want her to be here. I miss my best friend. 

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