71| She was pretty once too

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"Stiles. An Arrangements of steps that allows people but not animals to climb over a fence."

I don't bother looking at Scott, keeping my eyes on my laptop.

"I don't think these are the stiles we're looking for.."

"Maybe Malia's found something?"

"She's been taking a make up test all morning.."

"And Lainey?"

"Off in Greece somewhere with Isaac doing.. things I don't wanna know about." I say. "I haven't told her. I don't want her to worry."

"Don't you think you should?"

"She died and then was turned into a toy to try and fuck with my head. She has a second chance at life.. I'm not taking it from her."

I turn my head as Malia howls. I grab my things and we leave the library. I follow Scott's lead and we end up in the basement.

Scott tries to calm Malia down. It's obviously not working because she continues to growl.

"We're in her space.. we need to get out of here."

I turn the corner and look at my mom and Noah.

"Malia came here to get through the full moons then we started using the lake house."

"I thought you said a wild animal got in the lake house."

"Just be happy about talk the things I don't tell you."

Malia turns back into her human form. She's naked of course so my mom hands her back her clothes.

"Any idea what made her shift?"

"Everything?" I say. "Stress of school and let's not forget her mom tried to kill her."

"That shouldn't make her shift." Scott looks at me. "Do you think it could be connected to Stiles?"

"We don't even know what a Stiles is.."

"It's a he." I snap my head to Noah. "Stiles. It's a family nickname. I never used it but my father did."

Scott gives me the look I know he was waiting to give. And it's the look of 'I told you so'. Maybe I should've called Lainey after all.

After classes, Scott and I go over to the Stilinski house. I grab my neck, almost expecting a necklace to be there but there isn't.

My eyes go to Claudia's necklace around her neck. She's never seen without it. It's gorgeous. Almost a family heirloom.

She hands me a cup of tea and when our fingers brush against one another my body goes cold. I can't even hear what Noah is saying. My mind is on the feeling.

"We found a clue.. the word Stiles."

"And that's why you want to talk to Elias?"

"Maybe he can help us figure out who we lost."

"Now, this is someone your age?"

"Yeah.." Scott glances over at me. "I think he was my best friend."

I look behind them and see a woman. She stares at me.

"The following stops have been cancelled." The sound of a train fills my ears. "The following stops have been cancelled."

"Can I use the bathroom?"

"Aurora, you're not a guest in this house. When have you ever asked to go to the bathroom?"

"Sorry.. this whole Wild Hunt has me going crazy."

I get up and walk down the hall. Metal starts clanking. I find the woman staring at an empty wall.

"Why are you here?" I slowly walk closer to her. "Is there something you want to tell me? What stop has been cancelled?"

I hold my hand out to touch her. But before I do Claudia's voice makes me jump.

"You okay, sweetie?"

I look back at the woman and she's gone. I gather my thoughts before going back to the living room. Noah starts yelling at Scott.

"Scott.. let's go."

I grab his arm and walk out of the house. The next day comes faster than I'd like. We came up with a plan to go to the nursing home where Noah's dad is.

I tried calling Lainey but she didn't answer. She's also not answering texts. I even tried calling Isaac.

"I can't believe we're about to break into a nursing home."

"After Eichen House.. I'm pretty sure we can handle some nurses."

Malia walks in and immediately knocks out the front desk nurse. I don't hide my smile. I like Malia's style.

We walk through the rooms until we find Elias' room. I realize he has dementia. I walk in front of him and he looks at me.

"I'm Aurora Martin." I say. "Do you know who I am?"

"Should I?"

I soon realize that he thinks we're in 1976. I rub my hands over my face. The sun starts to go down and I sit down. I try talking to him but it goes nowhere.

"If you don't leave, I'll have to report you."

"What's wrong with him?"

"The sun went down.. he's sun downing." I say. "It's when dementia patients lose their faculties after the sun goes down."

"There's gotta be something we can do to calm him down."

I hold my hand out and enter his mind.

"Just who in the hell do you think you are?"

"So, you're that McCall kid?"

"You know me?"

"I know your dad. Couldn't hold his liquor and he certainly couldn't keep that wedding ring on his finger."

"Do you know all of us?"

"You're Natalie Martin's girl. Am I right?" He asks. "You look like her. She was pretty once too."

"Stop talking."

I look at Malia's glowing eyes.

"And she also liked to talk like she was the smartest person in the room."

Malia gets her claws out and I stand up. I hold my hand out, freezing her body."



I turn around and see Noah with a few deputies.

"Sheriff, we.."

"The three of you out.. now!"

I follow Malia and Scott out. I stand right outside the door, far enough so Noah can't see me.

"That's right! Act like I'm not even here! Go crawling back to your dead wife, your stupid daughter and your loser son!"

I quickly walk away and grab my head. Dead wife. Loser son.

Noah puts us into the back of his car, bringing us to the station. We sit in the cells and that's when I hear my mom.


My mom yells at all of us.

"Just because you're not going to jail does not mean you're not grounded for eternity."

"You do realize I'm going to be a Fantastic Four after school?"

"You're grounded until then, young lady."

I roll my eyes and I follow her out to her car.

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