1| Can you catch a hint?

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Present Day

I fix my hair in my mirror. I tried curling it and burnt my hand so I threw the curler at the wall. I promise I don't have anger issues.

Okay, maybe a little anger issues. But I took some deep breaths and grabbed it, fixing the mark on the wall it made.

I ended up using magic to curl my hair, not that anyone was home. My door was also locked so nobody could come in even if they wanted.

I look down the hall to see one of the lacrosse players harassing Lainey. I slam my locker, walking towards them. I grab Jackson's dumb ass friend by his collar.

"Can you catch a hint?" I ask. "She's not interested."

He sighs, turning his head to me.

"I was just talking to her, Aurora, like people do who like each other."

I look at Lainey.

"Do you like him?"

She doesn't answer.

"I think you should run along and do whatever bench warmers do, Anderson."

I let go of his collar, flattening it out. I smile, linking my arms with Lainey.

"That was kind of mean."

"Oh, c'mon, you loved it." I say. "Plus you were not interested."

I know I'm right but Lainey hates admitting when I'm right. But she definitely loves pointing out when I'm wrong which really isn't that often.

Lainey Stilinski. All brains and beauty. Her real name is Alaina but she hates it for some reason. I think it's gorgeous.

When I first met her in first grade she didn't want to tell me her name. I gave her the nickname Lainey the very moment after she told me. Now everybody calls her that thanks to me. 

That's when history started. My best friend and person to keep me grounded. She's the only person at this school who knows what I am.

I told her a couple weeks into seventh grade. I couldn't keep it in any longer. My mom acts like I'm normal. She doesn't talk about the heavy weight in the room when we're together alone. 

But Lainey didn't judge me. She promised to keep my secret. Even though witches and magic are known to the world, it doesn't mean they are welcomed.

Wanda made me make sure I knew that. She's my mentor but more like a big sister. She's taught me everything I know. 

I haven't seen too much of her since sixth grade. That's when I fully mastered every inch of my magic and powers. She told me I didn't need her as much anymore but that was a lie. I'll always need her. She's probably the one person in the world who truly knows what I'm going through. 

"Aurora, that is my skirt."

I look down at the skirt I'm wearing. 

"This is mine. You're the one who stole it from me and claimed it as yours."

Lydia rolls her eyes. We follow her down the hall. She talks the logistics of this Friday's party we're hosting. We're known as the Party Queen's. We throw the absolute best parties in Beacon Hills. 

Our mom's out of town for the weekend for some reason I don't care about. And dad, well he's doing whatever he does best which is leaving us alone because God forbid he actually talks to his daughters for once. 

After their divorce he wanted Lydia and I to choose him or mom. I have my issues with mom but she's done what she's done to protect me while he saw us as a prize he could win to piss her off. 

"That jacket is totally killer." Lydia says. "Where'd you get it?"

I look at the girl Lydia stopped us to talk to. She's gorgeous. Long curly brown hair and brown doe eyes. 

"My mom was a buyer for a boutique in San Francisco."

"And you're my new best friend."

"I'm sorry, what was your name?"


I smile, holding my hand out. Normally I'm not as welcoming to new people into our group but something about her seems so genuine. 

"Aurora Martin. This is Lydia, my sister and this pretty little thing is Lainey."

She smiles, grasping onto her bag. I feel eyes on us, looking over my shoulder at Stiles and Scott. Stiles quickly looks away. Scott then does the same when he notices I'm looking. 

I tilt my head, sensing something off about Scott. He feels different. He's still the same dork but it's almost like he's not fully human anymore. 

I've known Stiles and Scott as long as I've known Lainey. Lainey is Stiles twin, older by a minute. She loves to bring that up when they get into arguments. 

Stiles is the first boy I ever had a crush on. Shocker. He was so sweet and courteous. I mean he still is. I've pushed him so far out of the friend zone that we're more acquaintances than anything. 

Same with Scott. I used to be close to both of them. But I can only have so much room in my heart for someone to love. 

Wanda used to tell me all the time your greatest weakness will always be the people you love. So the less people I love the less people can use against me. I only have it in my heart and life to have Lainey and Lydia. 

I zone back into the conversation to see Jackson joined in. I roll my eyes. I have a strong dislike for Jackson. He's annoying and rude. Just a few days ago I quite literally punched him in the face for talking to me like I'm one of the bitch boys he bosses around. That's where the mark on his left cheek came from. 

Lydia invites Allison to the party on Friday before dragging her out to the lacrosse field with us to watch practice. I sit in between Lainey and Allison. We all exchange numbers. 

"Who's that?"

I look at who she's pointing to on the field. She's talking about Scott. 

"That's Scott." Lainey smiles. "My brothers best friend. And that one right there is Stiles, my brother."

Stiles looks at us as if summoned. I look down at my phone, staring at the unanswered text from Wanda. The only real reason she has a phone is to communicate with me but she's terrible at responding. 

I put my phone in my pocket, giving my attention back to the lacrosse field. 

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