42| Your cockiness will be your demise

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I stare at the tubs and alls I can think is if what if they don't come back. Or what if they do but one of them doesn't. The endless possibilities have been eating at me.

I look to my left as Lydia slides down the wall to sit beside me. She forces a smile, putting her hand over mine.

"They'll wake up."

I slowly nod.

"It wasn't your fault, Rory."

"Feels like it."

"You didn't kill her.." She whispers. "You can't change the past.. but you've been reading the Darkhold."

She turns my hand over and looks at my blackened finger tips. If Lydia can see it then she's opened herself up to the witch part of her.

"Don't do anything that you'll regret." She says. "There is always a price to pay."

She's not wrong. And the thing is I'm okay with whatever price I have to pay. It's fucked up but true.

I stand up the moment Allison is out of the water. A second later Stiles and Scott get up. I smile, looking at Stiles. I want to run into his arms but time is running out. Isaac, Stiles and Allison go to find Noah, Melissa and Chris.

I stay with Deaton cleaning up. I know I should be out with Scott but it's really not my fight. There's a tingle in my stomach that's telling me I need to be here.

My phone starts ringing. I take it out of my pocket. I look at Sue calling. I answer it because why not.

"Hey, I'm actually kinda busy-"

"She's coming."

Her voice is shaky and barely able to make out.


"Agatha.." she whispers. "She's coming."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine but Johnny.. Aurora, she killed him."

My ears start ringing. I drop my phone and both Lydia and Deaton take notice.

"Rory, are you okay?"

I turn to Lydia.

"Stay in here, do you hear me?"

"What is going on?"

"I said stay in here." I snap. "I just Lainey.. I can't lose you too."

I walk out of the clinic and she follows me.

"What the hell is going on!"

I turn around, holding my hand out. I push her body back into the clinic. I twist my hand in the air and lock the doors with a spell.

I throw a portal and run through it. I head straight to my closet to grab my suit. I hurriedly put it on.


I clench my fists. I take a deep breath before throwing a portal. I walk through it and am faced with a tall woman in purple clothing.

"I've waited a long time for this.."

"You're pathetic.. sending your little minions after me and then one after another.. I kill them."

Her smile turns into more of a grimace.

"This doesn't need to end nasty, Aurora." She says. "We can come to an agreement. You give me the Order Magic and I will help you bring back your friend.. no lies.. I promise."

I don't trust her. She killed Johnny. She attacked my family.

I twist my hand, looking at the white energy blast. I look back at her.


I throw it and she deflects it.

"I'll kill everyone you care about."

"And that's if I don't kill you first."

Blast after blast she sends my way I deflect. I hold both my hands up as the trees surrounding us rise up from the ground and make its way towards her. She disappears before they can make contact.

I blink and everything's changed. I stare at my younger self with Wanda. I'm not that much younger. I was fourteen.

"You are a hero whether you believe so or not, Aurora."

"What if I can't protect you?"

"I don't need your protecting."

I tilt my head and my eyes start watering.

"You will be better than any of us.."

I look at the door that slowly opens. It looks like complete darkness on the other side. Against my better judgement I walk towards it. I walk through it and everything changes again. My heart immediately stops when I see the scene in front of me.

"You're not scared of me?"

"Why would I be?"

This was a week after I told Lainey about me being a witch. I was so scared that she'd see me as some sort of monster.

"You're my best friend, Rory." She smiles. "I'd never be scared of you because you're not a monster."

Relief sets over my younger face. Her saying those words were so reassuring to me. She was the person I trusted the most.

"What happened?"

I look around, searching for Agatha.

"What happened when she wasn't here to pull you out of the darkness?"

I start losing control of my breathing.

"What happened when you let her die?"

"Shut up!"

"Does the guilt make you feel alive?"

"I said shut up!"

I scream and everything diminishes. Everything is black. Empty. Like me.

"You let her die!"

I grab my head.

"You were her death!"

I throw my hands out and wail. I take in a deep breath once I stop. Agatha's on the ground holding her ears. They're bleeding. I take advantage of her defense down.

I twist my hand by my side as her body levitates into the air. I hold it up, feeling the magic inside her.

"Any last words?"

She struggles to breath.

"Your cockiness will be your demise." She says. "There will be worse than me."


I start absorbing her magic. I shudder at the amount of magic she has. Finally her face looks like a raisin as I take the last bit of magic inside her. I drop her body to the ground.

I look up at Amora. I hold my head up high as she looks at Agatha's body.

"You killed her?"

"You expected me to let her go?"

She shakes her head.

"I can't say further down the road I will be on your side again."

"I don't expect you to be."

I don't really trust Amora. She said she'd try to stop Agatha but she was scared of her. She also fucking impaled me.

"If we ever meet again.. for your sake I hope we're not on opposing sides."

She tries to hide her smile but I see it.

"Me too."

She disappears and I'm left staring at Agatha's body. I feel slightly better now that she's gone but there's a feeling in the pit of my stomach that she's right.

There will be worse than her coming after me and possibly Lydia.

Regardless, I'll be ready for them.

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