4| I'll stick by your side

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"I don't like lying to my dad."

"You're not lying per se." I say. "You're just distracting him for me while I talk to Derek."

She grips the wheel of my car tight. I let Lainey drive because she doesn't have a car and sometimes I hate driving.

"I still feel like I'm lying."

"I'm just gonna say I have to go to the bathroom and slip down the hall to the holding cells. If anything your part of the plan is the easiest. Just some father daughter time."

Lainey hate's doing anything remotely illegal. Noah is the sheriff so she could easily get away with any of the things I've discussed over the past few years.

She pulls into the sheriffs station as I smile.


"I'm gonna throw up."

"If you do, please do it outside of my car I just got it detailed."

She doesn't find that too funny.

"You're fine."

We get out and head towards the station. Lainey isn't very good at lying, she never has been so I do the talking when I see Tara. I smile, leaning against the front desk.

"Staying out of trouble, Aurora?"

"Trouble is my middle name."

Noah pops his head out of his office, walking towards us. He kisses the side of Lainey's head.

"How was your day, peanut."


He looks at me, doing the same. Noah is sweet, caring, loving. Basically everything my dad isn't. Saying I have daddy issues is an understatement.

"And how about yours, jelly bean?"

"Ehh." I say. "I gotta go to the bathroom. I'll be back."

Noah nods as I walk down the hall. I twist my hand at my side, disrupting the cameras. I walk down to the holding cells, laughing when I see Derek sitting on the floor in one of them.

"Not funny."

"It's a little funny."

"Your friends got me arrested."

"They're not my friends."

From what Lainey told me it was Stiles and Scott who found the body on the property of the old Hale house.

"That was your sister, wasn't it?"

He slowly nods. I don't know what it's like to lose your sibling. Alls I have is Lydia and if she was gone I'd go mad. We annoy each other but she's easily one of my best friends. Life is better with her in it.

"They don't have any real evidence on you besides the body being there. If they did then you'd already be charged. They'll have to let you go within twenty four hours."

He looks at me confused.

"How do you know that?"

"The sheriffs daughter is my best friend and my dad's a lawyer."

I can sense his guilt. He feels guilty for his sister dying.

"Listen, I know we don't know each other very well but it's not your fault."

"I told her not to come back. We left for a reason."

Laura was all he had left. His entire family was killed in the Hale house fire that happened years ago. And now he's alone. At least that's how he feels.

"We'll figure it out together. Pinky promise."

I walk towards the bars, holding out my left pinky.

"Promises are meant-"

"To be broken." I finish. "But my promises mean something because I don't make them often."

I agreed to help Derek if he tells me about my moms mother but it's quickly changed into genuinely wanting to help him. I see the vulnerability in him even if he doesn't show it.

I probably shouldn't trust him but I do for some reason. I want to help him figure out who killed his sister.

"I'll stick by your side." I say. "I promise."

He stands up, walking over and intertwining our pinkies. I smile and nod my head in approval.

"Why are you so willing to help me?"

Derek comes off as a bad guy, so gloomy and dark but he's not. I see right past it. In all honestly I could give less of a fuck if he told me about my grandmother or not.

"Because I see the good in you, Derek Hale, even if you don't see it yourself."

He smiles. The first time I get a real, genuine smile from him.

"My mother used to tell me about you.. she knew her." He says. "I don't think you realize the impact you will have on this world."

"I don't need a lecture about what I already know."

"Laura would've loved you."

"Hang in there, Derek. You'll be out of here soon enough."

I start to walk away.

"And tell Scott he shouldn't be playing in the game."

"I doubt he'll listen to me."

I walk back to the front, smiling when Noah turns to me.

Hits Different | S. StilinskiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz