3| Earth to Aurora?

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Werewolves and witches have always been allies of sorts for thousands of years. A mutual understanding between two species.

I wasn't too surprised to know that Derek is a werewolf, if anything I should've sensed it right away. Agreeing to help him is a small step in doing what is right. Reed wants me to become a hero, and I know I need to so I'm doing it slowly.

He's withholding what he knows about my grandmother. My mom has always refused to talk about her mother, it's likes he's keeping something from Lydia and I, but more so me.

Lydia doesn't really care because she was always close to our grandma. But something about my mom's mother has always made me question her existence.

She claims my magic came by a fluke but it doesn't. Someone in my family had to of been a witch and I think it was her.

It's only been a few days since the party. I haven't really heard from Derek since then. Alls he told me was that his sister was murdered and that's why he's back.

"Hello? Earth to Aurora?"

I look at Allison.

"What did you say?"

"About how Scott literally left me at your house."

"Oh yeah.." I say. "Umm.. what did he say?"

"He apologized."

"And you're giving him a second chance I'm assuming?"

"Don't patronize me."

I hold my hands up in defense.

"He said you guys used to be friends but wouldn't really talk about what happened. It kinda made him sad."

I can't tell her the truth. I pushed away everyone I loved to not become vulnerable.

"People grow apart. It happens sometimes even if we don't want it to."

She forces a smile. From what she's told me she's never really had any friends. Her family moves around a lot which forces her to not be able to grow any strong bonds to anyone.

She waves behind me at someone. I turn around and see a man standing next to a red SUV. I'm assuming it's her dad.

"I forgot to tell him that you're bringing me home."

I walk with her to him as he gives her a quick hug. I hold my hand out for him to shake.

"Aurora Martin."

He shakes my hand with a smile.

"Chris Argent." He says. "You got a firm handshake there, Aurora."

"My father always told me to assert dominance when meeting a new person." A partial lie. Reed is the one who told me. "It's a force of habit."

"Your father sounds like a smart man."

"He is." The smartest man in the world to be exact. "I'm sorry. I offered to drive Allison home last minute to hang out, I hope that's alright?"

"I forgot to tell you, dad."

"No worries. You girls have fun."

I smile and wave as he gets into the SUV. One thing about me is I know how to charm an adult without using magic. Natural talent and all.

"I just gotta go do something quick." I grab my keys from my bag, tossing them to her. "Wait in my car. Lainey should be coming too. I'll be back."

I walk towards the lacrosse field with the intent of smacking Scott. Realistically he doesn't have any obligations to tell me what's going on in his life. We're not friends anymore. Still it hurt when Derek told me that Scott is a werewolf.

I see both Stiles and Scott practically running into the school. I change directions, going into the school after them. I walk towards the boys locker rooms, hearing rustling.

I burst in to see Stiles with a fire extinguisher in hand and Scott on top of the lockers with glowing yellow eyes.

"Ror, get back!"

Scott jumps down at us as I hold my hand up, freezing him mid air. I flick my wrist, sending his body to the lockers along the wall. His yellow eyes disappear.

"So, it is true."


"Oh, you big baby."

"H-how did you do that?"

I look at Stiles, taking a step back when I see how close we are.

"If I tell you, neither of you can tell anyone. You hear me? Anyone!" I say. "And if you do I will literally erase you from existence!"

"Is that possible?"

I glare at Stiles.

"I'm a witch."

"Holy shit.. like Wanda Maximoff? The Avenger?"

"Actually.. yeah? Pretty much exactly like that." I say. "Wanda was my mentor."

"This is so cool!"

Stiles is ecstatic and I hate how it makes my heart feel seeing him smile this way. I haven't seen him smile like this in a long time. It makes me want to keep saying things to get him to smile more.

I shake my head of the thought. I look back to Scott. I walk towards him, holding my hand out for him to take.

"Sorry, Scotty."

A nickname I haven't called him in years.

"How are you a witch?"

"I don't really know myself but I am."

He grabs my hand and I help him up.

"Sorry about that by the way." I apologize because I feel like it's the right thing to do. "You clearly need help controlling this."

"Can you help?"

"Do I look like a werewolf?"


"Exactly. I'm a witch, not a freaking dog."

"Who else knows?"

"Ummm... Lainey."

"I'm sorry, uhh, did you just say Lainey?"

I turn around back to Stiles.


"You told my freakin sister before me?"

"Yes, Stiles, I told my best friend of ten years before you."

I turn back to Scott.

"You need to get your anger under control before you hurt someone. Like seriously hurt someone."

I start to walk towards the door when Stiles grabs my arm. His touch burns my skin. It reminds me of the night we spent together only a couple months ago.

"Where are you going?"

"Shopping. A girl needs some new clothes."

"We need your help."

"I've been told that a lot these past few days." I turn to Scott. "You need Derek as much as he needs you that's all I gotta say."

"How do you know Derek?"

"Don't worry about it."

Stiles loosens his grip on my arm so I yank it out.

"Have fun, boys."

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