29| I've waited a long time for this

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I look at the scene before me. I'm at Baxter Building. I walk down the hall when I see Reed and Sue arguing. 

"We need to hide the children.. he's going to be coming after them."

"They are safe here." Reed says. "Victor will not dare attack us in our home."

"You don't know Victor like I do."

Reed scoffs. There's one Victor that they both know and that's Victor Von Doom but he goes by Doctor Doom. He hasn't been seen in years. He originally tried killing Franklin but I almost killed him and he disappeared. 

"He knows that Aurora is on the other side of the country. He's coming, I know he is. What if he succeeds this time?" Sue asks. "We cannot defeat him alone, Reed."

"Then we die with dignity. Aurora can look after Valeria and Franklin."

I realize what's happening. 

"No.. no, no, no."

Glass shatters and Reed and Sue are thrown to the ground. Doom appears in his signature green hood and metal face. 

"I've been waiting a long time for this."

I jolt up and jump out of bed. Stiles looks at me confused, rubbing his eyes. I run to my closet and change into my suit. I come out and Stiles is out of bed. 

"What is going on?"

"I need to go to New York."

"Why are you wearing your suit?"

"I actually may need your help." I say. "Change."

He doesn't question me, walking to his pile of clothes. I put my hair up and take deep breaths. 

"What's going on?"

"Reed and Sue are going to die."

I throw a portal. I explain how to get to Franklin and Valeria's room. I give him a device to use in case I'm not able to help Reed and Sue. 

"In case you don't succeed?" He asks. "Rory, you're not dying."

"The last time I saw Doom I was thirteen.. I'm more powerful now but maybe so is he. It's just in case but you probably won't need to use it."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

We both walk through the portal. I walk down the hall as Stiles goes the opposite direction to Valeria and Franklin's rooms. I round the corner and see the exact same scene from my premonition. 

"Aurora can look after Valeria and Franklin." Reed sees me. "Is something wrong? Why are you wearing your suit?"

"Get down!"

I'm thrown to the wall when Doom appears in the smoke. 

"Aurora Martin.. a sweet surprise. I've waited a long time for this."

I throw an energy blast at him that he deflects. He turns his attention from Reed and Sue to me. 

"I did not come for you, Aurora, but if you insist." He lifts his hand up, lightning crackling in his palm. "You've got a very angry witch after you.. I wonder why is that?"

"I've already killed two witches she's sent after me, what's another?"

"I like your style."

He sends lighting my way. I hold my hand up, absorbing it. He lets go and I send it back to him. His body is thrown out the window. 

I walk past Reed and Sue to see him flying in the air. I look over at them. 

"Aurora, you killed another?"

"Now really isn't the time for that."

I block another attack from Doom. He flies towards me, pushing me into the wall. He puts his hand on my neck to keep me in place, making it harder to breathe. 

"What's so special about you that you got Agatha Harkness after you?"

"Let her go, Victor!"

He creates a force field around us to prevent Sue from running after him. His hold becomes tighter. 

"You're just a girl from California.. a nobody."

I close my eyes, opening them with glowing eyes. 

"There she is.." He whispers. "The White Witch."

I put my hand to his chest. The force field breaks and his body lays on the ground. I look in the air and see a ghostly figure of who Doom once was. He looks down at his physical body. 

"What did you do!"

A smile forms on my lips. I've never successfully done it. 

"Just separated your spirit from your body.. nothing too serious." I smile. "Tell me what you know about Agatha Harkness and I'll put you back."

He crosses his arms and smirks. I've beat him at his own game. 

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