5| You're not the Stilinski I was expecting

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I walk to my car, bumping into a bus driver.

"Sorry, young lady."

I turn to look at him, seeing his dead body in my mind. He's wearing the same clothes he's got on right now.

"Umm.. it's okay."

There's a lot of aspects to my magic. One of them is that I see someones death a little before it actually happens. It freaked me out as a child and it still does if I'm being honest.

It doesn't happen as often but when it does I'm always shocked because I don't know how to control it. It just happens. Wanda told me I'm not supposed to understand it.

I think that's bullshit because she's trained me to understand every part of my magic but when it comes to that she brushes it off.

I walk to my car, peeling out of the parking lot. I practically speed home. I'm the only one home. I get to the kitchen and find a note from my mom.

Aurora and Lydia,

I'll be home later than usual. Use my card for dinner. Love you both lots.

Mom xo

I set the note back on the island. I'm eating dinner alone because Lydia is going on a double date with Allison and Scott.

I'd invite Lainey over but she's sick. She didn't come to school today. I don't really feel like eating fast food. I'm not really hungry at all if I'm being honest. 

I go and lay on the couch, staring at the ceiling. I try taking a nap but end up tossing and turning. I sit up, letting out a deep breath and getting up. 

I head back to the kitchen. I look around the kitchen, grabbing a bag of cookies. I start shoving my face. 

Someone knocks on the door. I set down the cookies, walking to the front door. I open the door, looking at Stiles.

"You're not the Stilinski I was expecting."

"Lainey was supposed to come over?"


I notice the bag of food in his hand.

"I.. uhh.. I noticed you didn't eat at lunch today."

"And you thought to bring me food?"

Why is he like this? Why does he do these sweet things even though I'm not worth it.

"Greasy burger that isn't good for you and curly fries." He holds the bag up. "Your favorite."

Suddenly I'm starving. I grab the bag from his hands, moving to the side for him to come in.

Stiles is a dork. A complete and utter dork. But for some reason this dork has my heart and he doesn't even know it.

"I have a feeling you didn't come by to just bring me food?"

It's our first time alone since the incident. And yes, I'm calling it the incident because that's what it was.

"Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"We're alone, Ror, you don't have to lie." He says. "I saw the look on your face when you bumped into that bus driver."


"We go to the same school and you're my sisters best friend."

I think Lainey would kill me if she ever knew I had sex with Stiles. She doesn't even know about my crush on him. I kept it to myself. Never told a soul.

Hits Different | S. StilinskiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora