Chapter 1

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Jen's POV

The twenty three hour flight from Melbourne to London was definitely the longest flight I had ever been on. My stomach had been in knots since take off, partly because this was my first international flight, and partly because I was anxious for what awaited me in London.

I'd worked for MTV Australia for a year now as a TV presenter. I adored my job as I loved music with great passion. Being able to interview the artists that blasted from my headphones was a dream come true.

I mostly presented the latest entertainment and industry news, along with a few minor interviews with up and coming bands, nothing major- So when I was chosen to go behind the scenes of One Direction's new music video, I was quite surprised.

The executive producer of MTV, Mark Chambers, had approached me about a week ago and explained I would be sent to London along with a fellow presenter, Angus, to film behind the scenes footage of the One Direction music video, as well as an interview with the boys.

I was pleased to hear Angus would be accompanying me as he had much more experience with this type of thing than I did. Before landing a gig at MTV he worked in radio on a very popular station, so he had interviewed some of the biggest stars in the world, including One Direction.

Angus was tall in comparison to me, and pretty fit. He had short dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and had that whole hipster thing going on. He was very good looking, and very flirty, often making me blush at his witty pick up lines and cheesy compliments.

"So are you excited to meet One Direction?" Angus playfully asked me, throwing his hands in the air mimicking a frantic teenage girl.

"Ah I guess...I've never really seen the big fuss about them," I replied acting uninterested, picking at my nails.

"You're kidding right? You must be the only girl in the world that isn't completely love struck by them, and frothing at the mouth looking at pics of them," he said, seeming surprised by my answer.

"You do realise I'm twenty one years old? I think I'm a little old for them aren't they all like sixteen years old?" I questioned, slightly disgusted he would even suggest I would be interested in teen boys.

"No, they're actually all over eighteen; Harry's the youngest he's nineteen, and Louis, the oldest, is twenty one," he chuckled, clearly finding my ignorance humorous.

"Oh, well still, they're not really my thing. I'm not into bubble gum pop stars who make more money in one day, than I do in an entire year."

I made an okay living, and could afford some small luxuries, it was just hard to imagine just how much money they truly made.

"They have everything handed to them. I think its crazy that they can do no wrong in their impressionable fans eyes." I sounded more judgemental than intended, the truth was I actually found Harry to be quite cute.

I would never give Angus the satisfaction of knowing that though, he would probably give me crap for it.

"Fair enough," He forfeited, turning his attention back to his iPod plugging his headphones back in.

I did like One Direction's music to an extent. My sister Sam was a huge fan, she acted more like a thirteen year old, than her actual eighteen years.

Her walls were covered in posters of them, and she always had their songs playing from the minute she got home from school, to the minute she went to bed.

We'd always been really close, even though our personalities differed a lot. She was the blonde extrovert, while I was the introvert brunette off camera. It helped that our ages weren't too far apart, so when I told her about my interview with them, she began to cry and jump up and down screaming.

She took this as an opportunity to educate me on the last three years of their career, but honestly it all went in one ear and out the other. I couldn't even put a face to their names, except the curly haired green eyed one, who I learnt was Harry.

I recognised him from numerous news stories I had reported on him and Taylor Swift during the year.

"He's the one that dated Taylor Swift right?" I remembered asking Sam.

"Ah, yeah if that's what you call a publicity stunt gone wrong, then yes they dated for like a month or something, such a joke," she rolled her eyes in response.

I also vaguely remembered her mentioning she loved the blonde haired one. I think his name was Neil or something along those lines. I didn't really talk about them much in my segments, so I never really had to learn their names or faces, except Harry.

With that thought, I took my iPad out and googled "One Direction". I clicked on a link to Wikipedia and read up on them a little, studying their photos and learning their names.

After about an hour of wikepedia searches, a ridiculous amount of YouTube Videos, and a few Twitter follows, I'd come to learn enough to satisfy my overactive brain. I learnt that Liam, Louis, and Zayn were all in relationships and Niall and Harry were single.

I knew MTV would want me to get the scoop on that, so I was happy I read up before hand so I didn't seem completely oblivious when I went to interview them. MTV liked me being flirty on camera, and standing next to Angus who was so outgoing, sometimes made me look awkward, but that was part of my charm.

With my luck I would have tried to flirt with all of them, only to get screamed at by fans who thought I stepped over the line with the guys' girlfriends.

I was secretly really happy that Harry was single. What harm could a little flirting do? It's not like anything would ever happen. His reputation followed him around from what I'd seen, but he seemed like a good time.

He'd also done a lot of charity work, and always seemed to be in the news for doing something positive. I knew how the industry could be, so I was curious to see how his personality truly was.

I decided to listen to some of their music, even though I much more preferred bands along the lines of All Time Low, who sounded a little more edgy.

Their albums were good and I could see how you could have a good time listening to them, but after about fifteen minutes of listening, I changed it to some old Simple Plan and drifted off to sleep.

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