Chapter 26

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Jen's POV

Harry's arms were still tightly wrapped around me as my phone woke me up the next morning.

I could still feel his breath on the back of my neck, and I shivered from the feeling of it. It was so comforting, and I hated to have to pull away from him.

I grabbed my phone and answered it quickly after seeing Angus' name.

"Hello?" I said, suddenly realising how groggy my voice sounded.

"Hey, where are you? I must have fallen asleep at the apartment last night and I don't know where you are. I feel kind of bad," Angus said.

I laughed and brought my voice back down to a whisper, "Oh don't worry, I'm actually upstairs I fell asleep here too."

I felt Harry stir behind me, and his lips pressed against my shoulder blade, signalling that I had woken him up.

"Oh oh Jen! I didn't think you had it in you so soon," he joked.

"Shut up, nothing happened," I said, suddenly embarressed. I felt my phone taken away from me, and Harry took over the conversation.

"Don't worry mate, she'll be down in a few minutes," Harry said with a sleepy voice. It was raspy and deeper than normal, it was somehow seductive.

Angus said something on the other end, and Harry hung up the phone before I rolled over to face him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. Angus didn't know where I was and I think he was actually worried."

"It's okay babe, I don't normally sleep this late anyway. I just didn't want to untangle myself from you. I could get used to waking up like this," he said with his eyes half closed, and a sleepy smile playing on his lips.

"Me too," I kissed his lips before jumping out of bed. My legs suddenly felt very exposed by the chilly air.

"I need to go meet Angus so we can get back to our hotel. We have to talk about how we'll mix up filming a little bit before the show tonight, I'll just go get changed," I said looking at his sleepy form. He had pulled the covers up under his chin, looking like a little boy.

"Keep the shirt, it looks way better on you anyway," he smiled looking at me.

"Okay," I replied. The butterflies hit my stomach at the thought of having something of his. I pulled my jeans up over my legs and decided to just wear his shirt.

Harry finally got out of bed and sauntered over to me. I still wasn't used to how sexy his tattoos were that lined his arms and torso, and I knew I was staring.

He came up and hugged me where I was standing, and just held me for a moment before speaking up. "I'll see you at the stadium, okay?"

"Yeah, can't wait," I said and he kissed the top of my head.

He took my hand and led me downstairs so I could meet Angus and get going.

We must be one of the few that were up, because when we walked downstairs the place was very quiet. Angus was sitting at the kitchen table with Ashton as we walked in.

Angus didn't say anything thankfully about me wearing Harry's clothes, he just put on a childish smile and nodded in the direction of the shirt. I shot him a "Don't you dare" look, and he laughed before turning his attention back to his cereal.

I hadn't expected any of the 5SOS guys to still be here, but I guess they just crashed here like everyone else.

Ashton ate some cereal from his own bowl saying "Hey" with a smile. I noticed he looked at my shirt and Harry's bare chest before eating again, but he seemed happier this morning.

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