Chapter 42

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Jen's POV

I was so happy to not be fighting with Harry anymore, it really affected me when I saw him crying. He was so strong seeming all the time, and to see him so vulnerable was a completely new experiece for me.

It upset me to know that I was the cause of it, but the feeling of being wrapped in his arms again after our first fight as a couple was something unexplainable. If I loved that feeling so much now, I wondered what it would be like when we made up further along in our relationship.

I went out to my seat with Eleanor and Gemma before the show, and I noticed this stadium was slightly smaller. We seemed to be sitting closer to the stage than we usually did, and I was excited to be able to have a better view of Harry.

He was back on his game tonight, and I stood a little taller, and danced a little stronger, knowing that our status changed his moods so much. When we fought he wasn't himself on stage, but now that we were happy, he danced and joked more than I think I'd seen him yet.

It worried me a little bit that I had that much to do with his moods, and it made me nervous for if something ever bad actually happened with us. I shook those thoughts away and danced to the songs that I'd heard so many times now.

After the show ended Harry put his arms around me, and even though it hadn't been that long since he did it after a show, I really missed the simple gesture.

I noticed Ashton didn't joke with me as much after the show as he had on the plane, and I was hoping it wasn't because Harry and I made up.

"Hey baby, I have an idea," Harry said into my ear as he stood behind me.

I swayed my hips back against him, and I felt his arms tighten around my shoulders.

"What's your idea?" I said, slightly turning my head so he knew I was paying attention.

"Maybe once we get to Ireland, we can have a date night," he spoke before he brought his voice down to a whisper, "just you and I."

I turned around to face him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Like for your birthday or just in general?"

"Well both I guess, I want to take you on a date again, plus it's my birthday and I want to do something special with you," he said before giving me a quick peck on the lips.

He was being so sweet and I loved when he was like this. We both just needed to get over our insecurities and it could be like this all the time.

"I'd love that," I said.

"I love...that too."

His face looked nervous in the middle of his sentence, and I wondered what he really wanted to say. I decided not to push it, since obviously he caught himself for a reason before he finished.

We all were eager to check into our hotel and get to sleep since it had been a long couple of days. I had said goodbye to my sister, fought with my boyfriend, and made up with him. I couldn't wait to take a shower and put on some sweats.

We made it back to the hotel in a matter of minutes after we all piled into the car, and I was a little nervous that the hotel was so close to the stadium. I liked that I would be able to take a little more time before leaving before the shows this week, I just didn't like that the fans would be able to find us so easily. I adored Harry's fans, its just sometimes they were so loud you could hear them at night.

No one else seemed to mind though, so I didn't know if I was overthinking things or if everyone's exhaustion was getting to them. Harry tried to carry my bag and his and almost fell over once, and I laughed at him before insisting that I take my own.

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