Chapter 62

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Sam's POV

Jen and Harry had gone out for the evening. She mentioned something about sex on the beach, but I had no idea what she was on about, she was too busy laughing. I asked Jen if I could have the apartment to myself tonight for a few hours, since it would be my last night with Calum. I hated goodbyes, especially with him.

We hadn't been apart for almost two months, having him by my side for so long would make it all the more harder to say goodbye to him tomorrow. It was so difficult having him away. I was constantly wondering where in the world he was, what he was doing, and who he was with. My sister being with him eased my mind a little. It's not that I was the jealous type, I just missed him so much my mind seemed to be on overdrive when I thought of him.

It would always be upsetting to read girls on social media claiming they had had some kind of sexual encounter with him, but I trusted him, I knew they only said it to get a rise out of me. I never gave in though.

"What are you thinking about?" Calum came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, as I was chopping the vegetables for dinner.

"Nothing in particular," I replied quietly.

"Babe, I know you well enough to know when something's up," he spun me around and looked into my eyes intensely.

I sighed looking down, "I'm just going to miss you that's all. When you're away the days are longer, and emptier. Plus I'm sick of all these stupid girls posting on twitter that they're sleeping with you. Of course I trust you and I know you're not, but I don't know why they have to lie about it!" I swung the knife around the air as I expressed my feelings.

"Okay first of all let's get this out of your hand," Cal laughed and took the knife from me, placing it on the bench. "Second, they only do it for attention. Little do they know, no one compares to you, literally no one. I haven't even looked at a girl in that way since we got together. Thirdly, i'm going to miss you too Sammy, so much. Being without you is like living in a world of constant darkness, you bring the light into my world. As corny as that sounds, it's true," he shrugged and shook his head.

Calum was such a romantic, he always said the cutest things to me, but he always got so embarrassed saying them, I found it endearing. I knew we were both only young, but I honestly felt like I found my other half in him. People spend their lives searching for their soul mate, and I was lucky enough to find mine at eighteen. I found comfort in knowing my parents met when they were young, so I knew I wasn't crazy for feeling this way. It was possible.

"You're such a romantic babe, I love the way you blush whenever you say something cheesy," I lightly laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"What else do you love about me?" he pressed his forehead against mine.

"I love the way you fish for compliments you goof," I quickly kissed his lips, then spun back around to continue with dinner.

"Oh no you don't!" He spun me back around, gripping my hips, and pulling me up onto the bench. He kissed me, swiping my bottom lip with his tongue seeking entrance. I opened my mouth and allowed him to kiss me more passionately. I ran my fingers through his hair, as his hands moved up and down my thighs.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he picked me up and pinned me up against the wall, continuing to kiss me.

I reached for the bottom of his shirt, and attempted to lift it off him. He detached his lips from mine to remove his shirt over his head, then did the same with mine. His lips attached to my neck, roughly nipping at the skin. I moaned in pleasure at the sensation, which made him suck harder. I pulled on his hair, getting more and more turned on by the second.

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