Chapter 58: Part 1

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Jen's POV

Harry stuck to his word of taking this slow, so last night we only kissed and layed together. I could tell we had already grown so much in the confidence of our relationship, because of how we handled the situation of the bar.

I wanted to move on and let Harry know that I trusted him, and that our past was truly in our past. Waking up the next morning, wrapped tightly in his arms and his head buried in the crook of my neck, I knew that being with him was exactly where I wanted to be.

They had their final show in Sydney tonight, and then we had one last day tomorrow to spend in Sydney doing whatever we wanted. As much as I loved Harry and wanted to spend time with him, I wanted to spend time with the girls.

I knew Perrie wasn't going to be on tour with us much longer, and I decided to ask if all of us girls wanted to go out for drinks. Gemma, Eleanor, Perrie, and I were all going to have such a great time. Eleanor had flown in for the week, and I was so excited because I missed her. I reminded myself to call Sam later when I knew she would be awake to catch up.

I didn't know what Harry would think about our plan beause the press seemed to have a field day whenever two of One Direction's girlfriends were spotted out together, let alone three and Harry's sister.

I felt him stirring beside me and I debated if I wanted to pretend to go back to sleep to preserve this moment, or if I wanted to wake him the rest of the way up. His eyes fluttered open slowly, and I quickly tried to shut mine to make it seem like I was still sleeping.

I heard him chuckle next to me, clearly catching onto my little game. I tried not to crack a smile, but then I felt his hand trail up my inner thigh. The higher he got, the harder it was to keep a straight face. Just when he was inches away from exactly where I wanted him to be, he jerked his hand away and threw the covers off of me.

It was freezing in the hotel room, and after that mini torture he just inflicted on me, I couldn't help but squeal.

"Harry!" I yelled, my eyes jerking open.

He let out a raspy early morning laugh, clearly amused by his own games, and satisfied with my reaction.

"I knew you weren't really sleeping," he looked at me with a smile.

"It's so cold," I said, scrambling to cover myself again with the covers.

"I'm sorry," he apologised, helping cover us up again and pulling me close to him. It was only 8am, I didn't have to be at the arena until one to film, so we had plenty of time to spare.

"So what are you filming today?" He asked. I loved when we just talked about daily things, it made our relationship seem even more simple and normal away from the spotlight.

"Well Karen wanted us to film one of the 5 Seconds of Summer meet and greets, so I think Angus and I had planned on doing that today. We were going to do one of yours at a different venue."

"Oh, that could be fun. The fans always ask us to do some crazy poses with them, it gets pretty funny sometimes. Once this girl asked to sit on Liam's shoulders, and he almost dropped her. I knew we shouldn't have cracked up, but it was hilarious," he said with a small laugh.

"Oh my God, what if he really had?" I laughed with him.

It made me happy that he didn't seem to get defensive about me spending time with Ashton today. It was strictly for work, but it's almost like their whole fight and bar ordeal made everything okay. I knew it wasn't, but guys were weird. It was like if they hashed it out once they were fine, and I hoped that that was what happened with Harry and Ashton.

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