Chapter 34

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Jen's POV

Seeing Sam and Calum suck each other's faces like that made me a little bit jealous. I knew Harry and I were waiting and being patient, but he was just so tempting all the time.

We decided to just go to the breakfast area the hotel provided, since we didn't feel like leaving. It was surprisingly good, and the four of us had a lot of laughs together.

I noticed the more affection Sam and Calum showed, the more Harry showed, and I wondered if he was feeling jealous about it too. I didn't want to be nearly as handsy as them, but I wouldn't mind him kissing me like crazy in public every once in awhile.

"Do you remember that time back stage when Niall kicked the ball and hit some poor woman in the face?" Harry laughed, looking at Calum.

"Oh God, yes! He felt so bad, but it was so hard not to laugh at it!" Calum said. They were both laughing now, and I wish I would have been there to see it too.

"There's so many crazy things that happen and it's usually Niall embarrassing himself," Harry said, looking at me.

"I've seen some of that on stage. You guys always make him do ridiculous things and he seems to fall a lot," I replied, recalling when they dared Niall to do a cart wheel and he fell straight on his arse.

"I'm so excited for tonight, I've never been to a concert this big. I'm so pumped that it's One Direction too..Well you, I guess," Sam spoke up referring to Harry. She was talking fast, and I knew she only did that when she was excited or nervous.

"Oh thanks babe," Calum joked.

"Oh and of course to see my super hot boyfriend rock out!" She added, and kissed Calum's shoulder. I had picked up that since he was so much taller than her, even when they were sitting, that she couldn't reach his lips or cheek, so she settled for his shoulder or collar bone and it was adorable.

"What time do you have to be there to film?" Harry asked me.

"I need to be there at one. Sam are coming with me, or do you just want to come later for the show?"

"I want to go with you and see my sister in action," she said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Action," Harry giggled like a little boy.

"You're so lame," I replied and he just laughed more. He was so immature sometimes, but it was so charming. It was crazy to me how he could giggle at the slightest sexual innuendo, and could still spill words like "suck me off" the next moment.

We had been sitting talking in the lobby area eating for almost an hour now, and I knew I needed to get up and go shower so I could make arrangements with Angus.

We headed back to the elevator and the boys walked us to our door.

"I'll see you this afternoon, babe," Harry said kissing me. With him standing in front of my door and kissing me so carefree, it reminded me of our awkward first date encounter.

"Do you remember when you ran off before kissing me?" I teased him.

"Ugh don't remind me! I'm still embarrassed about that," he laughed.

"It's cute because now you kiss me all the time," I said. His eyes shifted to something mischievous, and I regretted teasing him.

He leaned slowly to kiss me and hovered just short of my lips. He paused for what seemed like forever and then suddenly he pulled back without kissing me, and ran away into his room laughing.

"I guess I deserved that," I said laughing to myself, letting Sam and I inside after she said her goodbye to Calum.

Sam decided to shower first, and I used the opportunity to talk to Angus who was already showered and sitting on one of the chairs.

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