Chapter 76

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Harry's POV

Thinking back to last night at the club, sent a thrill through me as I lay here in bed, without her. I reached across the other side of the bed, in hopes she may have snuck in during the night. I was left disappointed when the sheets beside me were unoccupied.

I suppose I would have to get used to this feeling- loneliness.

I'd gone most of my life without waking up to a body next to me, and I survived it just fine. To be honest, I was one of those restless sleepers that tossed and turned a lot during the night, and having someone else next to me wasn't the ideal situation. But then I met Jen, the first girl I wanted sleeping next to, the first person that helped me sleep better having her next to me.

I remembered the first night she spent with me, back at the flat in London. She was the first and only girl I let in my room there. I wasn't one to invite random girls up into my space, my room was my most private of places- Somewhere there were no camera's, no fans, no media, nothing, just me.

I remembered giving her one of my shirts, and I walked in just as she was tying her hair up, revealing her bare legs to me. I stood watching her for a few seconds, taking in her body in front of me. She hadn't noticed me though, her back was to me. I slowly walked up behind her and left kisses on her neck.

That was the first night we really lit the fire in our relationship. Things could have escalated quite quickly, she was more than willing to have let me, but I didn't want to. I wanted us to be different, I wanted to be patient with her and show her she meant more to me than the physicality of our relationship.

I think even then I knew I loved her. I loved her the second I met her if I was being honest with myself. I was never one that believed in love at first sight, but I definitely felt it with her. She made me a believer.

Our time together was coming to an end though, for a while anyway. I felt like this was the universes cruel way of showing me I needed her, I always have and always will. It wasn't fair that I had her for six months, now she was being taken away from me. I just had to keep reminding myself this wasn't forever, it was the only thing that kept me from falling apart every time I saw her this week. I had to be strong for her...for us.

"Harry, you big curly haired f*ck, get up!" Zayn pounded on my door.

"Open the door you muppet!" Louis' voice came next.

What the hell did they want? They were the last people I wanted to be hassled by right now. I'd rather get up and go get my girl, not deal with them.

In a huff I got up from my bed and flung the door open. "What?"

"Calm down you big sook! We're going to wake the girls up, unless you don't want to see your missus, I can just tell her you were too busy having a wank," Zayn started backing away from my door way, and towards one of the other guys' rooms.

"Make sure you tell her I was thinking of her!" I played into into joke. "Give me a sec!" I quickly grabbed a pair of sport shorts, my key, and left the room to join the other lads.

Zayn had gathered up Angus, Luke, Cal, Ash and Liam, and we headed with them and Louis over to the girls' rooms. Zayn had snuck the key from Perrie last night when we dropped them off at their room. They were all completely intoxicated, and barely standing by the time we dropped them to their room. I wanted to take Jen back to our room, but I knew she'd be pissed when morning came and she wasn't with the girls.

"Okay lads, when I open I'll turn the light on, and we'll all scream and jump on them. They think they can make all the rules and we need to play along, well a little payback never hurt anyone!" Zayn smirked, and we all agreed to the plan.

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