Chapter 13

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Jen's POV

I wriggled out of Ashton's tight grip, as I reached for my ringing phone off the nightstand, with Karen's number flashing on the screen.

"Hello?" I answered, clearing my voice.

"Hi Jen, I didn't wake you did I? It's 12pm I thought you would have been up by now sorry," she spoke apologetically.

"No it's all good, I had a late night, what's up?"

"I just wanted all of us to get together one last time before you and Angus leave tonight, you up for lunch?" she asked.

What did she mean by "all of us", who is us? I hoped she didn't mean 1D, I wasn't ready to face Harry again. I knew I had the next few weeks off for Christmas break until I was back here again, so I would use that time to get over what happened, and maybe start fresh with him.

"Yeah sure lunch sounds great. Who else is coming?" I finally asked, holding my breath and crossing my fingers she didn't say 1D.

"Me, You, Angus, the 5SOS boys, and a couple tour managers."

I let out a sigh of relief, no 1D, no Harry, thank God.

"Oh and the One Direction boys how could I forget," she laughed.

I was not as amused as she was.

My stomach did a flip thinking about Harry. I looked down at a sleeping Ashton beside me, he looked so cute and peaceful in his sleep. At least he would be at lunch today.

"Okay sounds good," I told her, as she gave me the details for the lunch.

I hung up and got out of bed, leaving Ash to himself.

Karen had told me we would meet at a restaurant about a block away from here in an hour. So I hopped in the shower and quickly washed myself, leaving my hair in a bun so it wouldn't get wet. I'd have no time to dry and style it today.

When I got out of the shower I had remembered I wasn't here alone. I didn't bring clothes into the bathroom with me, so I would have to run from the bathroom to the closet in a towel. I hoped Ashton was still asleep.

I walked over to the closet picking out a pair of under garments, a casual dress and a pair of black tights.

As I was digging through my closet I hadn't even noticed Ashton was up until I heard him answer his phone.

I turned around to meet his gaze, his eyes were wide and his jaw looked like it was about to hit the floor as his eyes traced up and down my towel covered body. My cheeks burnt as I realised I was pretty much naked right in front of him.

I gave him a quick smile, and walked back over to the bathroom with my clothes in hand.

"Yeah yeah I'm here sorry what were you saying?" I heard him say as I closed the bathroom door.

I dried myself off and got dressed, applying a little make up while trying to keep my face as fresh as possible, and fixed my hair into a messy bun.

When I walked back into the room, Ashton was gone. He wouldn't just leave without saying goodbye would he? We only had twenty minutes before we'd have to meet Karen for lunch, and I assumed he'd just come with me since he'd have no time to get back to his apartment and get ready in time.

Just as I was about to call and ask where he disappeared, I heard a knock on my door.

I opened the door to a smiling Ashton with his hair dripping wet, and a bag with what looked like his clothes from last night.

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