Chapter 4

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Harry's POV

I was so excited for today. I always loved filming music videos, and this one was going to be one giant party basically, so I knew we were going to have a good time.

Part of the video was going to be filmed in this big studio, and the other half would be filmed at an actual club, and right now we just got back to the studio.

Niall and I went to lunch and he was trailing behind me laughing at god know's what, but his laugh was so infectious, I found myself laughing for no good reason.

As soon as I walked in I saw Karen giving Angus O'Loughlin, and another girl who I assumed was his partner a tour of the studio.

I knew Angus from past interviews we had done with him when he was in the radio industry. We'd met a couple times after that since he'd been at MTV. He was a good lad, I liked him.

My attention turned to the girl, my eyes taking in the vision in front of me. The more I stared at her the more beautiful she became. She had long dark hair and a purple streak blended into it. Normally I wasn't not fond of colours in girls' hair, but on her it seemed fitting.

She was so interested in what Karen was saying, that she forgot to look at the ground a few times and gently tripped, but kept right on walking. Her face was very expressive and she seemed charming.

Out of no where the 5SOS guys tumbled into the building like they always did. Ashton's laugh always echoed loudly around their group, as well as Michael's voice. I assumed they were all laughing at something Calum had said because that's usually how it went.

"JEN!" Holy shit Ashton was loud.

So, her name was Jen I smirked to myself. Her and Ashton dove into a conversation like they were old friends. Maybe they were- I was going to be using that to my advantage. I'll get all the good details out of him.

I finally made eye contact with Ash, and he gave a nod in my direction. The girl quickly turned around, and her eyes bulged as she stared back at me.

I made my way over to them and put on my most charming smile.

"Harry Styles," I said, sticking my hand out to her.

"Jenelle Taylor," she said with confidence and shook my hand, her strong Australian accent coming out.

Her voice rang in clear, but her hand was slightly sweaty, which showed me she was nervous.

"I like your shirt," she added with the most adorable smirk I'd ever seen.

I quickly looked down at hers, which ended up not being so quick. I probably looked like a pervert, because I couldn't help but look at her whole body up and down before my eyes landed on her shirt, which happened to be the exact same one I was wearing.

"She totally planned that," Angus chimed in. I didn't even notice he joined our little circle because I was too focused on Jenelle.

"Shut up Angus, you're such a tease," she gave his arm a solid whack, but he was unphased, so I guessed it happened a lot.

Ashton and I both laughed at them. You could tell it was a sibling like relationship even though they were both good looking people. I wondered if anything had ever happened between them.

My thoughts were quickly interupted when the rest of 5SOS and the rest of my band came over to introduce themselves. This was a cluster f*ck to say the least. Everyone was thrusting their hands towards her, which she took in with ease.

Her eyes seemed to look overwhelmed, but she kept her composure. I found myself laughing out loud, and everyone turned and looked at me.

"What?" Jen was the first to speak up.

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